Rally Championship 2000 Game Guide [18-07-2004 | JZ| Comments (1) ]
This game was released back in 1999 but lots of people still think this is the best rally game to date. So we created a game guide section, where you can get the demo, manual and the latest patch.
Rally Championship 2000 Review [18-07-2004 | JZ| Comments (10) ]
Since I noticed people talking about how the games released in the recent years are more or less remakes of some older titles, I wanted to shed some light on this issue. I'll start by telling you about a great game from the year 2000, by the name of Rally Championship. Sadly forgotten by many. Developed by Magnetic Fields, it was first published by Actualize in 1999 as simply Rally Championship; then Electronic Arts in December decided to release it in the next year's spring as its own product with a slight name change...