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Title: AeroWar \'88
Developer: Joe B. & Hog54
Game: NASCAR SimRacing
Released: May 2005

Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website
Development Status: 
Description: NASCAR has always have the eye of the factories on the stiff competition of stock car racing. Almost since the beginning, the manufacturers have seen that putting cars in the winners circle means more sales in the showroom. The late 1980s started looking like the late 1960s as the factories started building cars to specifically win on the race track.

Ford had started eating into GM's win column in the 1980's with their introduction of the new, sleek Tbird. Bill Elliott ran this car to a new NASCAR record at Talladega with a 212 mph lap, and the competition was having a hard time keeping up.

So GM brought out their new cars, the Pontiac Grand Prix and the Monte Carlo were introduced with a sloped rear window to help with the air over the rear of the car. Now the factory Aero War was on, with no prisoners taken!

Virtual Racing Chassis
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Lumina's #3's, 4.5, 7.33 8.5 MB
Days of Thunder! Lumina's 2.3 MB
Miller (Rusty Wallace) #2 588.8 KB
#8 Coppertone Sun Tan Lot... 464.6 KB
#17 Western Auto Parts Am... 379.1 KB
#11 Maxwell House Areo co... 251.1 KB
23 ford T-bird (smokin jo... 471.3 KB
3-WRANGLER 88 car for the... 706.8 KB
AeroWar 88 Mod 35.8 MB

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