Title: GT Racing 2002
Developer: SimBin
Publisher: SimBin
Released: December 2002

Demo: Yes [278 MB]
Simulated Series: Sports Cars
Official Website

LINKS >> GT Racing 2002 >> Leagues

AuGTR 12-05-2003
Australian GTR 2002 league website, comprising of all essential GTR downloads and updates in one place. ALso contains all the replays and setups of the world champions :)
URL: https://elite76.ozforces.com.au Hits: 1601 Rating: 5.53 Comments: 0
European Sim Racing League 26-05-2003
The ESRL is a league that offers different racing divisions for GTR 2002, ALMS-GT and the ETCC-Mod (NHeat). Soon to come is an online racing series for NASCAR Racing 2003 by using the road-courses. The ESRL was founded in 1999 and has grown and grown during the years.
URL: https://www.esrl.vu Hits: 1385 Rating: 5.53 Comments: 0
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