Title: GTR
Developer: SimBin
Publisher: 10tacle studios AG
Released: November 2004

Demo: Yes [215 MB]
Simulated Series: Sports Cars
Articles: Preview
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> GTR >> Setups >> Lister

Spa Qualifying Setup (2:12.2 sec) 07-05-2004
This my best lap so far, but I think I can still improve 1,5 sec! I´m using a old and difficult to calibrate Trustmaster Formula T2!
Developer: Russo46 Size: 107.1 KB Downloaded: 2583 Rating: 3.83 Comments: 0
Spa Qualifying Setup (2:10.3 sec) 05-05-2004
Here is my best lap so far in the GTR press demo with the Lister around Spa. the setup has a little bit more oversteering than the original.
My Controller is: Momo Force with FF on (40% in the profile). No Driving Aids and SIM mode.
Developer: Patrik Gårdewall Size: 113.4 KB Downloaded: 9763 Rating: 5.42 Comments: 4
Spa Qualifying Setup (2:13.4 sec) 05-05-2004
This setup is a fairly solid setup, without the need for it to be too twitchy under braking or acceleration.
Developer: Alex "mojododo" Lahm Size: 2.8 KB Downloaded: 4064 Rating: 5.33 Comments: 0
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