
IRacing Update-Lower Prices & Added Features [17-10-2009 | DH | Comments (0) ]
iRacing Announces Added Features, Lower Prices: Private Hosted Racing & Race Participation Program Introduced; Annual Subscription Cost Cut 37%; New Public Site Unveiled
BEDFORD, MA (October 15, 2009) – Members of iRacing.com’s popular motorsport simulation service will now enjoy additional features as well as lower subscription and content prices. The new pricing structure, which decreases the cost of an annual membership by 37%, goes into effect immediately. The new features, including private-hosted sessions and a program that awards credits for regular race participation, commence with the November 3rd start of iRacing’s 2009 - Season 4.
The announcement was made by Tony Gardner, iRacing’s president, who said the increased value for members was made possible by the service’s remarkable growth since membership was opened to the general public in August, 2008. Gardner also announced a brand new version of iRacing’s public Web site (www.iracing.com) designed to introduce prospective members to the inexpensive fun of online racing with authentic virtual versions of popular race cars and tracks.
“More than 15,000 people have joined iRacing.com since we fully opened our doors 15 months ago,” Gardner said. “Because our membership has grown rapidly, we are able to both lower prices and increase features. We anticipate that by adding value, we’ll increase the enjoyment of our current members and bring even more new members into our community.
“We are committed to making iRacing a thrilling experience for current and new members. The larger the membership, the better the racing will be for everyone. We believe that lowering our prices will open the doors to whole new segments of the racing community.”
Lower Prices
iRacing.com offers a variety of subscriptions, ranging from month-by-month to a new two-year plan that reduces the monthly cost of membership to less than $7.50. Additional content is also available beyond the three cars and seven tracks that come with every subscription. In each case, the new price is lower than its predecessor. A summary of the price reductions:
Term & Old Price:
1 month, was $ 19.00
Term, New Price, Reduction, New Monthly:
1 month, $ 14.00, -26%, $ 14.00
3 month, was $ 50.00
3 month, $ 36.00, -28%, $ 12.00
6 month was $ 90.00
6 month, $ 60.00, -33%, $ 10.00
1 Year, $ 156.00
1 Year, $ 99.00, -37%, $ 8.25
New Term, Price, Monthly:
2 Year, $ 179.00, $ 7.46
Cars were $15.00, now $ 11.95. -20%
Long Tracks were $20.00 or $25.00, now $14.95. -25% or -40%
Short Tracks were $15.00, now $11.95. -20%
Members who have recently purchased additional content are protected by a pair of price-guarantee programs. Any member who has bought content (cars and tracks) within the 30 days preceding the new pricing will receive within 14 days via e-mail a code for iRacing credit for the full amount of the difference between the old and new prices. Similarly, members who have purchased content between 31 and 90 days from the onset of the new pricing will receive a credit for 50% of the difference between the old and the new prices.
Racing Participation Program
Finally, the new Race Participation Program, an earned credit of up to $40.00 per year ($10.00 per 12-week season) will be available to all iRacing members regardless of subscription type, replaces the previous subscription purchase incentive program. Existing quantity purchase discounts of up to an additional 25% remain in effect.
“We want to encourage our members to race more frequently, and we’re going to reward them for doing so,” Gardner said in making the announcement. “Really, it’s a win-win deal for our members. People enjoy racing against other drivers, and bigger fields just add to the fun and make the racing better. Someone who takes full advantage of the ‘Credit for Race Participation Program’ will earn $40 per year.”
The details of the “Credit for Race Participation Program” are as follows:
• To qualify for iRacing credits a driver must participate in eight different race weeks in the course of a normal 12-week season in an individual official iRacing series. (Only Race Sessions in Official Series Count; sessions in Pro and Rookie series do NOT count, nor do sessions in Week 13.)
• For the purpose of the “Credit for Race Participation Program” a driver satisfies the participation requirement by scoring championship points in his or her race session, and completing at least 50% of the number of laps completed by the class winner. Races with an odd number of laps will be truncated. e.g. If the winner of an individual’s car class completes 17 laps other members of that class need to complete only eight rather than nine laps.
• In the case of a race with no finishers, the race will still count as an official session for the purposes of this program. Drivers who complete 50% of the laps completed by the driver in that class who has completed the highest number of laps will receive participation credit.
• For the purposes of this program a driver may participate at any series for which he or she is eligible. (e.g. A driver holding an A license may participate in B, C, or D level races.)
• Payouts are $4.00 iRacing credit per official C or D level series and $7.00 iRacing credit per official A or B level series. Maximum credit per season is $10.00.
• iRacing Credits earned under this program will be calculated during Week 13 of that season. A promotion code will be generated for the proper amount of credit for each member and then e-mailed to the member prior to the start of next season.
“By both reducing and restructuring our prices, we’re encouraging our members to have more fun by racing more frequently, with more cars on more tracks, thereby increasing the value of their memberships,” Gardner said.
Hosted Private Sessions
As a new option in addition to the official weekly schedules of more than 15 regular rookie, regular and pro series, iRacing will now offer its members hosted private sessions.
For a single $3.00 hosting fee any iRacing member may organize a private race, using a variety of cars and tracks in the iRacing inventory, which is open to any other iRacing members, without additional charge and regardless of their license level.
At the option of the organizer these race and/or test sessions may be open to any iRacing member or made private through use of a password issued to a group of members of the organizer’s choosing. While the race organizer may maintain a point structure for a series of these events, a member’s official iRating and Safety Rating are not affected by the results of any hosted private session.
Gardner noted that the creation of hosted private sessions opened the service up to a large group of online racers who preferred racing in a private-league format.
“A lot of sim racers have organized their own leagues – groups of friends who like to race together,” Gardner said. “Our existing structure organizes races basically according to skill level, which is what our current members want. From the start we planned to eventually add private racing to the mix. We believe that the private league racers will join the service to take advantage of this new functionality, but will also try out our structured racing, like it, and add that to their schedules.”
New Web Site
With the advent of each new 12-week season iRacing.com updates its Members Web site with new features and functionality, the place where iRacers go to race, socialize and keep up with all things iRacing. For prospective members who want to learn more about the iRacing service and community, an all-new version of the company’s Public Web site has been launched today. Reflecting what’s been learned in the 15 months since the service opened to the public, the new site provides a clearer and more complete introduction to the fun of iRacing and affords an easy way to become a member.


iRacing: IndyCar Coming! [16-09-2009 | DH | Comments (1) ]
iRacing.com to Put IndyCar Series Fans in the Driver's Seat: Virtual Indy 500 Next May Highlights Partnership with Indy Racing League, Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Dallara
BEDFORD, MA (August 22, 2009) - iRacing.com to Put IndyCar Series Fans in the Driver's Seat: Virtual Indy 500 Next May Highlights Partnership with Indy Racing League, Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Dallara
Sonoma, CA (August 22, 2009) - IndyCar Series racing fans won't just be able to attend the Indianapolis 500 in person next year, or watch the broadcast at home - on the 2010 Memorial Day weekend anyone in the world who has a PC and a broadband internet connection will be able to drive in a stunningly realistic virtual version of the race.
Under the terms of a multi-year partnership with the Indy Racing League, iRacing.com's motorsport simulation service will offer fans the opportunity to compete in virtual versions of IndyCar Series and Firestone Indy Lights races on a variety of tracks, including Indianapolis Motor Speedway, beginning this fall. Additionally, iRacing will feature faithful digital reproductions of both series' Dallara chassis.
"This November, before the end of the first year of the Speedway's 100th anniversary celebration, hundreds of thousands of fans who have attended the Indy 500 in person and millions more around the world who have watched this classic American sporting event on television will have the opportunity to sample for themselves the challenge of driving a Dallara IndyCar Series car at Indianapolis Motor Speedway," said Dave Kaemmer, CEO & CTO of iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations. "When our virtual version of Indianapolis Motor Speedway is completed next month, we will have in inventory or under construction 12 of the 17 venues on which the IndyCar Series will compete in 2009."
Additionally, iRacing.com sponsors IndyCar Race Control, the section of www.indycar.com that displays a real-time leaderboard and brings fans multiple live in-car video feeds during IndyCar Series competition.
"Our fans are tech-savvy and enjoy being actively involved in our races," said Terry Angstadt, president of the commercial division for the Indy Racing League, the sanctioning body of the IndyCar Series and Firestone Indy Lights. "One of the things that makes IndyCar Series racing unique is the diversity of venues in the series. iRacing puts drivers, team members and fans into their own virtual driver's seat of an IndyCar Series or Firestone Indy Lights car to enjoy racing one another on demanding short ovals, scenic road courses, high-banked superspeedways, and of course, Indy."
Italy's Dallara Automobili, the company that designs, manufactures and supports both the IndyCar Series and Firestone Indy Lights cars, is collaborating with the iRacing tech team in developing the two vehicles.
"It was iRacing's demonstrated ability to work closely with the manufacturers of the cars already in its inventory that persuaded us to grant them permission to build virtual versions of the Dallara I 09 and IP 09," said Andrea Toso, Dallara Automobili's head of research and development and US racing projects leader. "It has been an interesting project, and we continue to enjoy working closely with Dave Kaemmer and his engineers."
In April a crew of iRacing laser-scanning technicians captured the dimensional data and graphic information used over the last several months to build a millimeter-accurate version of the historic Indianapolis Motor Speedway track that will be correct right down to the detail in the famous Yard of Bricks at the Start/Finish line.
The iRacing version of Indianapolis Motor Speedway will include both the 2.5-mile oval used for the Indy 500 and Brickyard 400 NASCAR race and the 2.621-mile road circuit that is home to the Red Bull Indianapolis GP world championship motorcycle event.
"Hundreds of thousands of patrons visit Indianapolis Motor Speedway each year," said Chris Schwartz, Indianapolis Motor Speedway vice president, marketing. "Now they will have an opportunity to experience the Brickyard at speed from the seat of a simulated race car. Competitors will tell you how dramatic Turn 1 can be in an IndyCar, NASCAR or on a MotoGP bike at speed - for the first time fans will be able to share that experience."
For Kaemmer, who is widely acknowledged as a pioneer of realistic racing simulations, Indianapolis represents a return to his roots. It was 20 years almost to the month that Kaemmer's first motorsport title, "Indy 500", was published.
"Looking back, I guess that 'Indy 500' was groundbreaking, at least given the technology of the time," Kaemmer said. "What is exciting for all of us on the technical team at iRacing is that we can now build virtual cars that perform in exactly the way as their real-world counterparts. Everything that is adjustable on the physical car is adjustable on its virtual counterpart and the digital car responds to those adjustments just as the carbon fiber and metal car does. That's why Justin Wilson and Dale Earnhardt Jr., as well as many other professional racing drivers, use our service not only for fun, but also to prepare for real-world test sessions and races. And because our motorsport simulation service is internet-based, enthusiasts from all over the world can drive and take part in races. All it requires is a reasonably up-to-date computer, a broadband internet connection and an inexpensive steering-wheel and pedal set."


New iRacing Subscriber Trials [08-09-2009 | DH | Comments (1) ]
New trials are available for iRacing which include a free first month and either the Chevy Monte-Carlo SS and Martinsville or the Skip Barber Formula 2000 and Virginia International Raceway in addition to the normally included cars and tracks.
Visit iRacing's Facebook page for more information.


iRacing Announces World Cup [21-01-2009 | DH | Comments (0) ]
iRacing Announces 2009 World Cup: Annual Club Championship Features Global Tournament for Internet Racing
BEDFORD, MA (January 19, 2009) - The World Cup of iRacing™, a global, team-style, annual internet-racing competition, was announced today by John Henry, chairman of iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations, LLC. The inaugural World Cup of iRacing begins February 1st, with the start of the first of four 12-week 2009 iRacing competition seasons. It will be contested by 35 clubs, which encompass the entire iRacing membership and are organized by global geographic region. Clubs will compete through the four quarterly seasons, followed by a regional runoff and then on February 6, 2010, a one-day, winner-take-all day of racing to determine the World Cup of iRacing champion.


iRacing.com, Waves the Green Flag [02-09-2008 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
The Bedford, MA, company has been working on its simulation—which combines PC-based software with a subscription-based Internet service that allows participants to race against each other—since 2004. The company has a staff of 42, half in Bedford and half (primarily digital artists and software engineers) working remotely, according to Scott McKee, iRacing’s vice president of marketing.


iRacing.com Unveils New Public Web Site [19-06-2008 | JZ | Comments (10) ]
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - iRacing.com, which is introducing an innovative Web-based motorsport simulation and internet racing service, today announced the opening of a completely revamped public Web site. The new site, www.iracing.com, features product information, testimonials from professional racers, news and video. Most importantly, it is the sole point of purchase for subscriptions to the iRacing service.
"As the only place you can subscribe to the iRacing service, our Web site has to address the needs of all of our prospective customers, who represent a wide variety of motorsports participants and enthusiasts," said Scott McKee, iRacing's vice president of marketing. "This new site conveys a lot more information than our previous site, and it does so in a more user-friendly and visually interesting way, making it even easier to understand our service, register for news updates or buy a subscription and get started racing online."
Although development of iRacing's simulation software and internet racing service will continue indefinitely, the company recently completed beta testing and has commenced a gradual public launch process, in which the new public site will play a key role.
"In order to maintain a high-quality customer experience, we're being careful to grow our community slowly," explained McKee. "For at least the next couple of months, we'll be adding new members by invitation only. Some of those invitations will go to people nominated by our beta testers and some will go to our corporate partners - graduates of Skip Barber Racing Schools, for instance - but individuals can secure one of those early invitations for themselves, too, just by registering for updates on the new public site. The registration database will be a primary source for our invitation list."
Visitors to the new iRacing site will see a short, introductory flash video, showing clips of on-track action from within the iRacing simulation as well as footage from physical-world racing. From the home page, visitors can investigate various aspects of iRacing's service, including testing/training, racing and community, as well as the technology behind the simulation and the cars and tracks currently available.
"The new public site will be refreshed frequently," said McKee. "Not only will we have regular news updates, but we'll be adding new product information, new features, a merchandise store, and, of course, once we've completed the invitation-only phase of our launch, we'll open up the subscription function to the general public."


iRacing Preview [10-06-2008 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
SimHQ Preview: iRacing by Jens "McGonigle" Lindblad


iRacing goes BETA [07-05-2008 | DH | Comments (0) ]
iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations co-principals John Henry and David Kaemmer today announced the transition from alpha to beta testing of the company's new motorsport simulation and integrated internet racing service. The announcement marks the culmination of nearly four years of development work.


SCCA Announce iRacing Cup [12-02-2008 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
Along with the announcement of the iRacing Cup, SCCA also announced the addition of the SCCA Spec Racer Ford to iRacing.com's roster of cars for forthcoming simulation.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (February 9, 2008) –Sports Car Club of America, Inc. and iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations today announced the iRacing.com Cup, a season-long contingency program that will crown a single champion among the more than 5000 licensed SCCA national racers across the country. The program, which spans all of the Club’s nine geographic divisions and all 30 competition classes, will award more than $20,000 in cash and merchandise, including $3000 and a professional-grade racing simulator to the winner.
“iRacing.com’s new motorsport simulation software is one of the most innovative products coming on the market, something that actually helps a driver develop his or her skill behind the wheel, and we’re excited to announce the first part of what we expect will become a multi-faceted relationship,” said Eric Prill, SCCA vice president of marketing & communications. “The new iRacing.com Cup gives drivers an opportunity to see how they stack up against everyone else across the country, regardless of their competition class. The inaugural iRacing.com Cup Champion will have accomplished something very special in 2008.”
Prill, speaking at the Club’s national convention in San Antonio, Texas, explained that drivers who register for the program will accrue points for race finishes in accordance with the regular SCCA national points system. To equalize the effects of class size, program participants will be awarded one bonus point for each starter (in the same class) listed behind them in the final race results, with a maximum of 10 bonus points per race. A driver’s best six results in regular-season races will count toward the Cup.
Even more points are at stake at the SCCA National Championship Runoffs®, with double base points for the top nine finishers and no limit on bonus points. Throughout the season, competitors and fans will be able to follow the chase for the iRacing.com Cup with regular updates on www.iRacing.com. Contingency registration information is available at SCCA.com under the Club Racing header. Points will be awarded retroactively to drivers that have already begun their racing seasons. Drivers must register for the program to participate.
“This program carries with it some great cash and prizes, but I think the bragging rights may be the best motivation of all,” said Scott McKee, iRacing.com vice president of marketing and an SCCA-licensed racer. “We don’t expect the winner of the iRacing.com Cup to be determined until the conclusion of the 2008 Runoffs in October, but whoever wins will go home with a serious ego boost!”
In addition to the contingency program, Prill and McKee also announced the inclusion of the SCCA Enterprises Spec Racer Ford vehicle in the iRacing.com simulation service.
“No one ever gets enough seat time,” said McKee. “Our simulation software has been designed with people like the SCCA Club racers in mind, to provide a truly beneficial training tool and a way to go racing when you can’t get to the track. It only makes sense that we would model the Club’s most popular racecar.”
With the Spec Racer Ford, SCCA joins a growing list of iRacing.com partners that already includes more than 60 racing facilities and a variety of both road- and oval-track racing machinery. iRacing.com’s racing simulation service is expected to launch later this spring.
iRacing.com exists to create the world's most authentic racing simulations, enable and organize real-time, online racing, and advance and expand motorsport. It invents the tools and provides the environment to enhance the skills of racers — novices to experts — around the world, deepening their understanding and enjoyment of the sport.
The company was founded in September of 2004 by Dave Kaemmer and John Henry. Kaemmer was co-founder of Papyrus Racing Games, Inc., developers of award-winning racing simulations including NASCAR Racing: 2003 Season and Grand Prix Legends. Henry is principal owner of the Boston Red Sox, one of the most successful investment managers in the futures industry and an avid simracer. The iRacing.com team combines more than 100 years of real-world racing experience with more than 50 years of successful racing simulation development.
Links: www.iRacing.com - www.scca.com
Car Information: https://www.scca-enterprises.com/spec_ford.html


Pricing Announced for iRacing [25-01-2008 | JZ | Comments (1) ]
Groundbreaking Software to be Available by Subscription
BEDFORD, MA (23 January 2008) — iRacing.com today announced pricing for its racing simulation, which will be available on a subscription basis starting in 2008. A one-year subscription to the service will cost $13 per month and includes all of the content necessary for a subscriber's first season of oval-track and road-racing. Shorter terms of six and three months are priced at $15 and $17 per month, respectively. A one-month trial subscription is available for $20.
"We're building a community," said David Kaemmer, iRacing.com's CEO. "Our pricing reflects our desire to attract simracers who are interested in being part of that community over time, providing the lowest monthly rate to those willing to commit to a longer subscription. At the same time, we want to offer people a low-cost way to try out our service and see if it meets their needs."
Kaemmer noted that every subscription, regardless of length, includes a selection of both oval and road-racing cars, tracks and series, as well as a certain number of free "iRacing Dollars" that can be applied to the purchase of additional content. As with the monthly subscription price, annual membership offers an advantage, bringing $60 worth of free iRacing credit.


iRacing to Feature Solstices [03-08-2007 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
In their latest news update, iRacing.com have announced that the Pontiac Solstice and Solstice GXP will feature in their new racing simulation.


iRacing.com In-Game Screenshot [16-05-2007 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
Don't miss this wallpaper of the iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations software in action. Shown are the Legends cars at Irwindale.
For super high-res image visit www.iracing.com.


iRacing.com Scans Long Beach [14-04-2007 | JZ | Comments (2) ]
LONG BEACH, CA (13 April 2007) � iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations today announced a partnership with the Grand Prix Association of Long Beach that may just change street-circuit racing forever. The 1.968-mile course created from public streets closed to traffic for three days each year will be incorporated into iRacing.com's highly sophisticated racing simulation, effectively making permanent what once was temporary. The result: unprecedented, year-round access for teams to prepare for the world-famous Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.


iRacing.com: SMI [12-12-2006 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
iRacing.com and Speedway Motorsports, Inc. Announce Partnership: Legends Cars to be First Among SMI Properties Incorporated into High-tech Simulation
BEDFORD, MA (11 December 2006) - iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations today announced a partnership with Speedway Motorsports, Inc. (SMI) that will see the Legends Cars of 600 Racing and all six SMI racetracks re-created in the ultra-realistic racing simulation under development at iRacing.com. The Legends Cars, 5/8-scale models of late-1930's era NASCAR Modifieds, will constitute the entry level of iRacing.com's oval-track racing ladder.


iRacing.com And Skip Barber [17-11-2006 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
BEDFORD, MA (17 November 2006) - iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations and Skip Barber Racing School have today announced a strategic alliance blending the latest in simulation technology with the real-world training expertise of the world's most well-known racing school. The two companies will collaborate on an online racing school and entry-level, open-wheel series to be offered as part of iRacing.com's simulation, and Skip Barber students will have a new way to acquire and hone their racing skills, even when away from the track.


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