41st Street
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified 41street.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 325.4 KB |
Downloaded: 143 |
Rating: 10 |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified knoxville.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 338.9 KB |
Downloaded: 217 |
Rating: 10 |
Comments: 1 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified thunderbird.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 315.7 KB |
Downloaded: 193 |
Rating: 10 |
Comments: 1 |
Williams Grove
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified williamsgrove.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 344.3 KB |
Downloaded: 353 |
Rating: 10 |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified bloomington.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 311.2 KB |
Downloaded: 212 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified dtr2eagle.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 317.5 KB |
Downloaded: 150 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified dtr2husets.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 357.5 KB |
Downloaded: 173 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
Terre Haute
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified dtr2husets.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 315.2 KB |
Downloaded: 149 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
Harrison County
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified harrison_county.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 370.3 KB |
Downloaded: 135 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified jefferson.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 311 KB |
Downloaded: 99 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified parkside.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 355 KB |
Downloaded: 114 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified rodeo_raceway.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 346.6 KB |
Downloaded: 117 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
South Central
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified southcentral.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 293.7 KB |
Downloaded: 154 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |
Weaver Park
29-10-2003 |
Contains a modified weaver_park.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game. |
Developer: PaulB
Size: 326 KB |
Downloaded: 144 |
Rating: n/a |
Comments: 0 |