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Title: Dirt Track Racing 2
Developer: Ratbag
Publisher: Infogrames
Released: September 2002

Demo: Yes [27 MB]
Simulated Series: Dirt Racing
Articles: Review
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Dirt Track Racing 2 >> DE2 Track Files

Williams Grove 29-10-2003
Contains a modified williamsgrove.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 344.3 KB Downloaded: 1156 Rating: 5.3 Comments: 0
Weaver Park 29-10-2003
Contains a modified weaver_park.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 326 KB Downloaded: 663 Rating: 5.04 Comments: 0
South Central 29-10-2003
Contains a modified southcentral.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 293.7 KB Downloaded: 673 Rating: 4.73 Comments: 0
Spindale 29-10-2003
Contains a modified thunderbird.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 315.7 KB Downloaded: 769 Rating: 5.5 Comments: 1
Parkside 29-10-2003
Contains a modified parkside.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 355 KB Downloaded: 695 Rating: 5.13 Comments: 0
Knoxville 29-10-2003
Contains a modified knoxville.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 338.9 KB Downloaded: 889 Rating: 5.84 Comments: 1
Rodeo 29-10-2003
Contains a modified rodeo_raceway.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 346.6 KB Downloaded: 603 Rating: 5.63 Comments: 0
Terre Haute 29-10-2003
Contains a modified dtr2husets.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 315.2 KB Downloaded: 730 Rating: 5.1 Comments: 0
Harrison County 29-10-2003
Contains a modified harrison_county.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 370.3 KB Downloaded: 726 Rating: 4.76 Comments: 0
Peakview 29-10-2003
Contains a modified jefferson.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 311 KB Downloaded: 585 Rating: 5.19 Comments: 0
Eagle 29-10-2003
Contains a modified dtr2eagle.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 317.5 KB Downloaded: 722 Rating: 5.29 Comments: 0
Huset's 29-10-2003
Contains a modified dtr2husets.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor. Both work in the DTR2 game.
Developer: PaulB Size: 357.5 KB Downloaded: 772 Rating: 5.4 Comments: 0
Bloomington 29-10-2003
Contains a modified bloomington.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor.
Developer: PaulB Size: 311.2 KB Downloaded: 974 Rating: 7.65 Comments: 0
41st Street 29-10-2003
Contains a modified 41street.de2 file and a modified preview.de2 file that can now be edited with the de2 editor.
Developer: PaulB Size: 325.4 KB Downloaded: 709 Rating: 5.37 Comments: 0
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