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Title: NASCAR SimRacing
Developer: Tiburon
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: February 2005

Demo: Yes [161 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

LINKS >> NASCAR SimRacing >> Leagues

Title: Big Red Racing
Description: One of the original NSR leagues in NOW accepting new members. We have organized league racing on a variety of nights, at levels for all skills. If you are new, we will help you learn the ropes, and get you ready for our Cup series. A very successful league with a growing, active community. Come check us out!
Date Posted: 28-08-2006
Hits: 2924
Average Rating: 3.81
Total Votes: 676
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Author: 02-10-2005
This is the Best league there is.
Author: 20-10-2005
Cool league with good car counts at all levels. People willing to help and no flaming thats cool.
Author: 08-11-2005
Don't plan on signing up for this league if you are a fast driver. They will ban you and say you are a cheater. Just did not want people to waste their time like I did. If you noticed this is why the started this anti-cheat thing. They want an excuse to accuse people of cheating. Just looking out for fellow sim drivers.
Author: 09-11-2005
Dalejr76 is right, don't sign up for our league if you are a fast driver because you know how to manioulate the settings in your PLR files, we don't want or need you. However if you are a fast driver who races clean and abides by the rules of the league we welcome you.
Author: 09-11-2005
Thanks for the warning Dale, I will keep looking.
Author: 11-11-2005
I like beer!
Author: 29-08-2006
i need 2 fart

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