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well that sucks
Id really like to see you make a car
I got two things of advice for you 1st- use a real number make sure the number is on CENTERED NOT HUMPED OVER TO THE SIDE----- 2nd- TAKE A BETTER PICTURE Take one wer u can see the side and the top of the car.......And if your gonna take one in game like that go to MY NASCAR and take it there so the options on the left dosent interfear....
Hey Dude, I hope you make a car and put it on here, otherwise I really dont think going around putting "That sux" or "Better luck next time" Is fair wether the car is good or bad. I havent seen many positive comments posted from you and posting a 100 negitive comments is not helping people that put hard work into cars become better. A-Lot of pepole you have rated it's their first car and everyone has to start somewhere. So give people a break and put a usefeul comment on if your going to be putting comments.