Title: Nascar Thunder 2004
Developer: ISI
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: September 2003

Demo: Yes [105 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website
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DOWNLOADS >> Nascar Thunder 2004 >> Track Updates

File Name: Drifter's Heaven [Hosted Elsewhere]
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Description: Think you've got some racing skills? Try this dirt track. If you like the thought of drifting through the corners or just want to show off how good you are, this is your track. Try to make the perfect drifting setup. Just unzip and add this to your season04tracks folder.
Date Posted: 30-08-2004
File Size: 5.5 MB
Preview: picture
Download Time: 36.6K : 21.5 minutes
56K : 17.2 minutes
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 507
Average Rating: 5.33
Total Votes: 27
Developer: MCPOLICE (30+)
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Author: 30-08-2004
shuts off and goes to desktop,How do I get it too work?
Author: 30-08-2004
would it have been so hard to just submit the file on here or must you get a cheap pitch for your website that is down first...?
Author: 30-08-2004
Crusher did you unzip it to your season\tracks folder? Works fine for everyone else I've talked to. And John it is linked because after several tries BH kept not recognising the file size so it didn't accept it. Knowing what you're talking about before speaking is a good thing.
Author: 31-08-2004
MC No offense, but John is statin the truth the website was down down when I tried it. (5:27PM aug 30) please chec your server & let me know when it is back up? would love to try this track for a Mod for the ARCA Re/Max series. (they run two dirt tracks)
Author: 31-08-2004
You need A website that WORKS
Author: 31-08-2004
The reason BH will not except the files I am told is because they are over 5mb in size. This is why they are linked to my site. NOT because I want them to be. Still mad cause I didn't load them to BH? Contact BH and let them hear about it. Maybe they will allow larger files if you do. It is not my fault they limited to 5mb. As for my website being down, it was down because of traffic volume. Did you even read the pop up? This again was not my fault. But if you really want the file and still can't get it, just say so and I will email it to you.
Author: 31-08-2004
It Was MY FAULT....I got it now.......GREAT JOB KEEP IT UP...Try Bristol.

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