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Title: Nascar Thunder 2004
Developer: ISI
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: September 2003

Demo: Yes [105 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Nascar Thunder 2004 >> Utilities

File Name: Mas 2 Files
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Description: This utilitiy will open .MAS files.
Date Posted: 23-09-2003
File Size: 65.3 KB
Download Time: 36.6K : less than 2 seconds
56K : less than 2 seconds
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 5561
Average Rating: 5.03
Total Votes: 35
Developer: Unknown
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Author: 06-10-2003
it doint work
Author: 08-10-2003
Once i figured out how to use it,it works graet for opening them. How do you save what you had opened back to .mas? It is just in a folder now.
Author: 18-11-2004
For those unfamilier with using this utility and a link to the required files to turn folders into .mas files Note: (I am using Windowsxp) I took the Mas2files utility and placed it inside of my( windows )folder because it is a dos program Mas2files does just what it says it changes Mas files to a folder with the files inside. You will also need Files2mas to change a folder containing models and such back into a mas file. You can get Masstudio Here it has both files2mas and mas2files utilties and also a program (Masstudio) thats suppossed to do what the dos programs do but I never had much luck with it. 1.First Take your Mas2files and files2mas Utilities and place in your windows folder, Go to START\MY COMPUTER\LocalDisk\Windows Place the files inside that folder (WINDOWS) 2. Now bring up the command Prompt, To do this go to the RUN menu and type cmd and press ok that will bring up the command Prompt in windows. Mine reads C:\Documents and Settings\"User name" Where I typed User name will more inlikly be whatever you named your profile in windows. Ok now Copy and Paste the mas file you are wanting to open in the Directory Above. Go to START\MY COMPUTER\"Yourusername"Folder and paste the mas file in thier 3.(Chevy.mas file will be used as an example) Now in the Command prompt Type mas2files chevy.mas chevy Then Hit Enter Now in your START\MY COMPUTER\"Yourusername"Folder will be the Chevy folder with all the files inside it. 4. To take the chevy folder and turn it back into a mas file type in the command prompt files2mas chevy chevy.mas Then Hit ENTER.

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