Author: |
12-04-2003 |
These patches don't work. Wasn't worth the download |
Author: |
13-04-2003 |
iliveonthemoons right this no cd exe DOESNOT work |
Author: |
14-04-2003 |
yep they dont work,pointless having them here. |
Author: |
15-04-2003 |
You are stupid, and this stupid patch this isn´t a no CD pathc. Eres un gilipollas. No intentes engañar a la gente, por que para que sea un NO CD patch tienes que copiar un monton de archivos del CD1 al ordenador, pero aun y todo no funciona. Gilipollas. Hijo de la gran puta. Cabrón. Engañabobos. El windows XP es una mierda (como este Dowload). Go all to hell. |
Author: |
16-04-2003 |
Deviance yo don`t any idea to crack an exe file. Better if you retired. A no cd crack is to play without the cd not with it, and we want to play without it. Because its atacks the game. A si que o haces un puto crack decente o que te den por el puto culo farsante de las pelotas. My grandmother mades cracks better than you, but now she can`t. Que te den por el culo putoa mamonazo, chuparabos... El Windows XP es una mierda, igual que el puto Bill Gates. Fuck your mother!!!! Bill Shit. I`m el puto amo. Thank you to all the people that are with me. See all another time... |
Author: |
24-04-2003 |
FUCKEN CRAP WILL NOT WORK SORT IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( |
Author: |
24-04-2003 |
Para el bacalao que tiene que dar la nota en Español. A ver bonito..... El parche del NO-CD es para los que han hecho una copia de seguridad del CD original y no han podido copiar la proteccion. Entonces y solo entonces con tu CD pirateado metes el NO-CD y , fijate..... FUNCIONA. Probablemente el webmaster sea un payaso.... pero creo que tu con ese comentario has demostrado lo que puedes llegar a ser. Sin mas que añadir, y constatando que ese archivo funciona, se despide. Tolpedo. |
Author: |
25-04-2003 |
Me The No CD Patch was performed.It did as the procedure.CD is required also in now.A media check is lost although CD is required.Copied CDR also came to be obstructed.This was obstructed as a tool which removes protection.It is fortunate! |
Author: |
01-05-2003 |
you are all stupid this is a no cd crack for use after youve installed the officail patch from codemasters , jesus think before you speak |
Author: |
06-05-2003 |
Patch is installed, and it still requires the CD. Useless. I want a NO CD patch. |
Author: |
06-05-2003 |
Worked fine 4 mee..... |
Author: |
06-05-2003 |
Will not work on my playstation 2 but the microwave now works without electricity and it can get Fox. |
Author: |
07-05-2003 |
It don't work without a CD, but it does allow for a copied CD to play. |
Author: |
07-05-2003 |
The patch work, but you first have to edit in RegEdit at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECodemastersRace Driver the PATH_CD to a directory on the hardrive where you have to place these two files from the CD: sku_ger and lng_eng. Now it works fine with the No-CD version.. GR Johan |
Author: |
09-05-2003 |
Couldn't get the fucker to work. when I tried to install it on my PC me left nut exploded. |
Author: |
10-05-2003 |
Tolpedo,eres un capullo. No me vengas ahora como si supieras porque no tienes ni puta idea. Un no-Cd patch es aquel en el que no necesitas el Cd para jugar, y este no es el caso. Si alguien quiere jugar a este juego y dejarse de gilipolleces, es copiar el Cd1 directamente a C: y bajarse un crack decente (no tiene porque ser no-CD, y a poder ser que no sea este por que da problemas). Que os jodan a todos. El Windows XP es una mierda. Tolpedo hijo puta. |
Author: |
14-05-2003 |
Thanx for the tip Johan.Works great now!If you have the european version look after sku_eu.I think Johan have the german version |
Author: |
23-05-2003 |
Cool!!! endlich ein no-cd crack für dtm race driver |
Author: |
12-06-2003 |
coool Patch |
Author: |
14-06-2003 |
Sois todos unos maricones |
Author: |
21-06-2003 |
its not a nocd patch its a backup cd |
Author: |
25-07-2003 |
Look you wankas! THE PATCH DO WORK! I have downloaded it myself and now I can play the game without the CD. All you do is replace the Race Driver.exe with the one in the zip file and also add the TRD1120 folder. Double click on the folder and it opens for a split second. Now you should be able to run Rece Driver. |
Author: |
06-08-2003 |
well I installed the file and now I'm 6'' longer than I was, and 2'' bigger around, now the women love me! also I can play toca race driver (hacked version btw) with no cd. |
Author: |
09-09-2003 |
Author: |
22-09-2003 |
This is why tech-heads make cracks and not instructions... no communication skillz. Step 1 - Unzip everything (incl. dev-t1120) to a temp directory. Step 2 - Move all files to Race Driver dir where RaceDriver.exe is, replacing old exe with new one. Step 3 - run the file TRD1120 from this directory and after that it should work fine. |
Author: |
09-10-2003 |
If you have version 1.00 this fix wil not work ! Download new update patch from Codemasters - 1.1.120 - then copy over the crack.exe file and execute the - the game now works perfectly. Will only work with the update ! And you will need the ORIGINAL exe from the game ! to update to 1.1.120. |
Author: |
21-02-2004 |
:) |