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Title: Colin McRae Rally 2
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Released: December 2000

Demo: Yes [39 MB]
Simulated Series: Rally
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Colin McRae Rally 2 >> Mods

File Name: Portuguese Translation Add-on
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Description: Colin McRae Rally 2.0 - Portuguese Translation

~~ Descrição:
Este add-on muda a linguagem do jogo para português, mas apenas o texto. Após a instalação, todos os menús irão aparecer em língua portuguesa, à excepção da descrição do país em que estão a concorrer, no menú de configuração do carro (menú antes de partir para uma especial) e nos menus de multi-jogador.

~~ Description:
This add-on will change the language of the game to Portuguese, only the text. After installing, all of the menus will appear in the Portuguese language, except the country's description, on which you'll be racing on the car setup menu and the multiplayer menus.
Date Posted: 04-04-2008
File Size: 21.8 KB
Preview: picture
Download Time: 36.6K : less than 2 seconds
56K : less than 2 seconds
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 297
Average Rating: 5.45
Total Votes: 11
Developer: RaDio[A]cTivE
We here at Team Blackhole Motorsports need your help. As you all know, the team puts in a great deal of effort to provide you with the latest news and downloads from the sim racing world. However, all of this hardwork comes at a steep cost. Until now we have been able to maintain ourselves but recent site popularity is making this more and more difficult. Last month alone we transferred over 1.3TBs (thats 1,300GBs) of data. The cost to provide that much bandwidth is expensive and we need your help to keep us going. We are kindly asking our patrons to use the PayPal donate button to make donations. The PayPal donation is a secure and easy way to send your donations directly to Team Blackhole Motorsports. Please help us by contributing a donation so we can continue to provide you with the latest news and downloads from the sim world.
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Author: 15-04-2008
Se quiserem a tradução completa, façam download da actualização (Update). Esta versão é apenas beta, a outra está completa.

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