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Title: NASCAR SimRacing
Developer: Tiburon
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: February 2005

Demo: Yes [161 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> NASCAR SimRacing >> Utilities

File Name: DDS Converter 2
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Description: I'm not this program's creator so i'm not sure who to give credits for. But i do have to thank Willie Wonka for cluing me in on this program. If you're having trouble saving your DDS files, this can help. Or, if you're like me, and am too poor to own the more expensive programs and are forced to use MS Paint, this is a godsend! lol.

This offers more DDS conversion options than x2y and is easy to use!

Supported Formats:

Will convert to and from each of these formats.
Can save Alphas, mipmaps and a whole garage full of other features!

(Please Note: Neither Willie Wanka or I am responsible for any foul-play as a result of using this program. It's meant to assist you in your painting needs and should therefore not be used in any other manner. Thank you.)
Date Posted: 06-12-2005
File Size: 1.2 MB
Download Time: 36.6K : 4.5 minutes
56K : 3.6 minutes
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 2840
Average Rating: 7.14
Total Votes: 50
Developer: Basher EJS / Willie Wonka
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Author: 08-12-2005
Forgot that Targa (.tga) formats also work with this. So BMP, DDS, JPEG, PNG, PSD are all supported.
Author: 19-12-2005
Very useful program
Author: 23-12-2005
everytime i hit the convert thing it exits itself!!
Author: 16-01-2006
You have to make sure the file perameters are in factors of 2. If the hight or width ends in a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, then it will not work.
Author: 26-02-2006
Yes, very useful indeed. Thanks for the upload!
Author: 02-05-2006
this program is awesome I love it.
Author: 04-05-2006
What'll work best is for you to save your car as a high-res jpeg, then open the DDS Converter, with Nvidia Dxt3 active (in options), and in DDS output format, select the jpeg of your car, click convert, and there ya go. you now have a 1.33 MB file. If you have a 2048 template, then use Dxt1a. That'll let you create a 2.66 MB file instead of a 5.33 MB file that will end up using TOO much memory in your game and slow it down.
Author: 16-06-2007
This is a great download. I used it to modify the race tracks, and build my race car. If you are having problems with convertion, the valid file sizes are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,... You get the pattern. Just keep doubling the size of the file. So, size 200 won't work. Thanks for the download!
Author: 18-06-2007
There is one more thing I forgot to mention. I used this file do modify the Talladega Superspeedway. So, partial credit for my Talladega surface goes to Basker EJS. Once again, thanks!
Author: 20-06-2007
Not compatible for Vista : :(
Author: 06-03-2008
Chapman, while i congradulate you on the credit.... i don't deserve it for this because the DDS Converter 2 is NOT my program. I found it and wanted to share with the community. Oh, and you could've spelled my name right. It's BASHER EJS not Basker. lol, Makes me sound like a wicker basket maker or something. hahaha. stefOne.... that's why Vista sucks. ;)
Author: 07-03-2008
is there a certain size the file should be? does it make the car bigger or smaller in the game? how does the file size change things?

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