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 Joined: 07 Apr 2006
 Posts: 23
PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 13:05 Reply to topicReply with quote

General questions about effects:

1. exhaust small "pops": why in effects.ini there are "EXHAUST common" (first group) and then detailed per each car "EXHAUSTNEW".. what's the meaning?
2. in audio/cars.ini: what is the meaning of LowShelfAmp and of LowShelfFrequency? in which area these values work?

Effects combination:

1. how to combine the effects? I mean to really "combine", as to say set values not only for Loudness, Frequency, etc.. but also "quantity" and moreover "timing"I give you two examples: the lancer N4 (full of pops), and the punto 1600 (no continuous and assembled)
2. if I well understood, the EQ of audio.ini meaning by NO LOAD and FULL LOAD are as follows: load means engine loading, so:
a. NO LOAD = working when off throttle
b. FULL L = working in full acceleration
3. in this way we could “set the different effects divided by throttle and of throttle”, but they’re just divided in frequencies: how to identify the effects?

Inside and outside differences in effects:

1. ingame.ini could be what I'm searching for: mean to combine the several effects loudness and frequent / not frequent playing of them
2. I see that there is a volume (always 1) and an outside volume (always 0):
a. I explain this with the meaning of "in-game" = "driving" = “in-car”
b. but if correct it seems a nonsense: how to explain max and min distances? (normally values for "outside point of view")

New effects:

1. I don't understand why the turbo and blow-off effects are used in no turbo cars too (in these cases they should be deactivated)
2. instead the typical blow-off of turbo and overboost, in these cases, we should put some "off throttle sounds" (mean the sound of injection engines when accelerator is released: eg. old 131 abarth, or porsche: a typical sound like "a back throttle effect")
a. attached four examples for understanding: 1 and 2 = 131 Abarth, 3 and 4 = Porsche injection
3. same for other effects like the warm brakes “whistle”: how to edit them?
a. we could put it somewhere (e.g. in pops).. problem is how to make them playing only when you brake (like the brake-lights)

Mauro Vicariotto

Off_Throttle=2 x 131ABARTH + 2 x Porsche.zip - 111.42 KB
12 Time(s)

Mauro Vicariotto

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