Joined: 31 Jul 2002
Posts: 16777215
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 13:08 |
posted by: Ivan Spruit
321 Development Presents The Historic West Coast Ultra Late Model Mod
Once upon a time, when race cars were race cars and spec racing was looked down on, many racers in the mid 80's to early 90’s turned their Dirt Late Models into wild and fast cars of the future…
900 HP+ Alky monsters with down force and side boards! The fastest late models in history are now yours to drive. Blow sprint cars into the weeds like Jim Tryon did to the World of Outlaws Sprints.
No three wheeling here, this is a rocket based on what was raced before the rules committees got to us! This is not spec racing. This is full blown Super Late Models they way they should be. Super with a capital S!
Hang on tight as you rocket down the front straight at Williams Grove at speeds near 145MPH into the corners.
You just can’t beat Aluminum Big Blocks by Aries with 500 or more cubes. Nothing in the history of racing was wilder and more powerful than a true Outlaw Late Model.
Back when Outlaw was more than a brand name.
Today's Dirt Late models are cute, but they will never compare to the mighty Outlaw Wedge Cars of the Pacific Outlaw Super Stock Series of the 80's.
Drivers like Charlie Swartz, Jack Boggs and Donny Moran drove these monsters and now you can to.
The mighty wedge cars are back and this time no rules committee can take them away from us!
321 will continue to refine these cars as they are our passion in racing. Return to the days when racers could be creative and build cars that were true race cars, not spec cookie cutter cars. This ain't IMCA, this ain't WoO and this ain't NASCAR. This is the West Coast Ultra Late Model Mod!
The Wedge Is Back!
Track Record Facts (or at least what we could find)
Silver Dollar Speedway:
Lee Olibas in 1988 Pacific Outlaw Super Stock Wedge Car 13.346
Modern Day Super Late Model Chris Gwin 15.050
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