Joined: 04 Dec 2005
Posts: 41
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 03:22 |
Why did they take all of the fun out of NR2003. There not going to make that much money because so many people have Nr2003. And right now they have so Many people so pissed at them the will not Buy anything from them just to spite them. |
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 04:34 |
I really hated them for it also.But considering all the years they have gave me and there past record I will give there new game a try.Looking at the screenshots made me drool. |
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Joined: 06 Sep 2002
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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 04:53 |
atruebudfan_8 wrote: |
Why did they take all of the fun out of NR2003. There not going to make that much money because so many people have Nr2003. And right now they have so Many people so pissed at them the will not Buy anything from them just to spite them. |
What did they do that has everyone so upset?
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Joined: 04 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 07:36 |
By Taking the Rights they took all rights to make new mods to NR2003.
So BAR super cars ,Drags and Open Wheel Modifieds can not be released. |
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Joined: 06 Sep 2002
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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 14:17 |
OK I see now, well playing devil's advocate it's really hard to blame them. NR2003 and even NR2002 were masterpieces of gaming software and NR2003 will probably be on a lot of hard drives for years to come.
It would be hard for iRacing to compete with a growing 800 Pound Gorilla in NR2003 if mods are constatnly coming out. If their product is as good as NR2003 then i'm sure others will follow the iRacing bandwagon.
The only thing that concerns me with iRacing is that i'm hearing it's only internet racing. If that's the case then they didn't have to shut down future mods for NR2003. I don't mean to contradicte myself i'm just looking at the situtation from both sides of the fence. |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2003
Posts: 138
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 17:40 |
What really p*s*ses me off, is that they bought the rights AFTER Papy released the rights and permitted the modders to modify the code. They really don't have a leg to stand on if someone had enough moxy and MONEY to challenge them in court! I will NEVER even look at their game or website again!
Gramps |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
Posts: 131
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 18:33 |
Initialy, i agree about all that people saying about i racing , fine no problem.
But , what if they really deliver something worth paying for?
Lets wait and see.
For now, you have all freedom you want in Rfactor, i think Rfactor is platform
for the future
Lets wait and see
Veks |
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Dave Hoffman
Joined: 10 Jun 2005
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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 06:14 |
Papy didn't own the rights to the code, Vivendi did, and as far as I know, they never relinquished anything. They owned it right up until iRacing bought it from them. I assume Vivendi didn't care about protecting it from modding since they couldn't sell NR03 anymore, and were essentially out of the NASCAR gaming business. Why waste the time and money policing a product that would no longer make them money, present or future?
iRacing re-locked it down, just like it was from N1 through NR03... when no one was complaining about not being allowed to mod it. I think people got a little spoiled with the unimpeded freedom to illegally hack the code over the last 1-2 years.
I think it's blown out of proportion to say that the "whole community" is ticked at iRacing. Realistically, I'd say it's a tiny percentage of the whole. But here's something that sounds very familiar to what's going on today.
In '99 or so, Sega owned the rights to Daytona, so it was not in the NR product. Papy did, however, release a stand-alone Daytona demo CD that came with a race program at the Daytona 500. Since the folders and everything were the same, the holy grail was easily inserted into the NR game. We finally had Daytona!
Not exactly. Any site that posted the track was swiftly dealt with and had the download removed as fast as it was posted. In the Sierra forums, we were told not to discuss it in any way, shape, or form. No one could understand what the big deal was, and dare I say, it "ticked the community off." Sound familiar? It was even worse then, because they made the track we all wanted, dangled it out there like a carrot, then told us we couldn't have it.
But then they went on to earn record sales with their next NR product, so I guess it didn't tick the community off too much, or people grew up and got over it. Point is, they had their reasons for doing what they did back then, and have their reasons for doing what they're doing now. In the end, if it's good, people will buy it. |
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
Posts: 153
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 16:02 |
Dave Hoffman wrote: |
"In '99 or so, Sega owned the rights to Daytona, so it was not in the NR product." |
Holy Crap, I didn't know that. I had always wondered why Papy did have daytona in any of their games in the 90's. I'm gunna shoot my old Dreamcast right now!
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David Harrison
Joined: 25 Jan 2002
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Posted: Tue Mar 07, 16:58 |
Quote: |
they made the track we all wanted, dangled it out there like a carrot, then told us we couldn't have it. |
But then they went on to earn record sales with their next NR product
Hey Dave,
That was a great post.. Sierra & Papyrus both knew how to make a media stir. They still do.
And both have had their beefs with the community. Papy drug their feet in creating a patch for GPL so it would run on a D3d card. They didn't endear themselves to the community back then either. But I have to give credit where credit is due. Papy is, in a sense, the grandfather of sim racing. Although lately they have acted more like the godfather of sim-racing with their rather public thumb twisting. I can't blame them for trying to protect their right to do business but the way they have gone about it has been a little troubling.
Lawsuits are filed around the world daily but I doubt many create a website to broadcast it. It's probably a message the "community" needs to hear. We take some liberties with trademarks and copyrights when games are modded. Modding is kind of the politically correct term for hacking. Even painted skins can be touchy because someone elses logos are being used. I've been contacted by a few trademark lawyers asking about certain files that contain their trademarked logo. Most of them have no vendictive agenda, they simply want to understand the use of their logo. Once I explain that these logos are created out of passion and not profit, that usually ends the inquiry. For another example, I was contacted by an adult-beverage company. Their main concern was that we were not showing their logo to kids. Oddly enough, they are now a main sponsor in NASCAR. Surely no kids will see it there.
Things that make ya go ... hmmmm.
I guess the bottom line here is that there can be a little give and take. If we all stop and think about it in that manner....sim-racing as a whole will be a much happier place.
Take care,
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Joined: 20 Feb 2003
Posts: 132
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 01:07 |
Here is my prediciton for iracing.com, considering David Kaemer's past.
They will design the best racing sim to date and all the people who said they would never buy the new product will be waiting in line for it.
They've designed the best sims for the past 15 years and will most likely blow everyone out of the water with what they release next.
For all the people who complain about them remember that we wouldn't have GPL, or any of the Nascar sims. If it wasn't for DK, most people wouldn't even be sim racing. There is probably a good reason why they did what they did so why not give them the benefit of the doubt after they've given us so much. |
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Joined: 04 Dec 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 01:47 |
beside what they did was not so bad, they asked to remove certain things and all was quiet and done, unless you want to argue or say you are not going to remove anything because of "your rights as a us citizen bla bla" lol lol. please, give ex papy guys a brake and remove the darn thing and wait for better sims to come, a little respect instead of provocking and be provocked macho bull and give them the benefit of the doubt hopying the removing and stopping doing what they ask was well worth it because of future products. If iRacing wants to make money is only normal and well deserved but on the other end of the deal it's us enjoying the next generation of sims. |
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Joined: 20 Feb 2003
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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 03:25 |
Just one last thing to mention. They did own the programing so isn't it their right to do with it what they want. Papyrus doesn't tell me what to do with the things that I own, so I'm not going to tell them what to do with what they own.
I just keep thinking that iracing's sim is going to start a whole new era in sim racing, just like GPL did before. |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2005
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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 02:21 |
Iracing thinks they can take over our Nr2003 community, BS
Iracing its not Iracing it should be USracing
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Joined: 28 Apr 2005
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Posted: Sun Apr 23, 20:15 |
Gramps wrote: |
What really p*s*ses me off, is that they bought the rights AFTER Papy released the rights and permitted the modders to modify the code. They really don't have a leg to stand on if someone had enough moxy and MONEY to challenge them in court! I will NEVER even look at their game or website again! |
I never knew that, that disgusts me!!
I never play N2003 anymore , if i do i feel a great andger for i-racing.
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