Joined: 18 Apr 2005
Posts: 38
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 22:10 |
I don't know if you guys seen this yet but Iracing has updated their website. They have a few screen shots of their possible product. https://www.iracing.com/ just a lil FYI for you just don't get too excited. |
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 23:14 |
Well I'm overly excited. I'm so tired of EA's BullF**K with their sim and their exculsive rights to NASCAR. I hope to god, If iracing makes a new NASCAR sim or any sim for that matter, it won't be this rumored "service". I need a new NASCAR sim! I MISS YOU PAPY! |
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Joined: 12 May 2004
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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 23:54 |
Save up cause your gonna need the cash, pay to play my ass. |
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003
Posts: 401
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 23:51 |
keith wrote: |
Save up cause your gonna need the cash, pay to play my ass. |
With nothing constructive in that post, I think I'll post the same message about this what I wrote at RSC.
I'd like to think this pay per play thing this way.
Look at NR2003, it's still going very strong. It was about 40 euros back then. And after all these years, I've spent hundreds of online hours with it. So if you think it, NR2003 was so cheap that you can't even say that you've actually paid of all the fun you had. Cheapest thing you ever have done.
And if there is going to be a montly fee type of simracing later on, I would gladly pay for it. It can't be too much considered that you'll get again hundreds of playing hours with it. But, with the developers still present the service is constantly updated and moderated. And that equals more fun! And on another note, it prevents piracy big time which is also only a good thing .
Now why on earth wouldn't someone pay for this kind of a hobby? I mean, example most of us pay for extra TV channels with monthly fee. Does anyone complain getting programs what they want just because it costs some more? Business is business, and if someone creates something amazing, it should be rewarded!
Hannu Tuomainen
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Joined: 05 Jun 2003
Posts: 215
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 00:03 |
As much as I feel that once you purchase a sim that you shouldn't have to pay for driving it, I can understand if they charged a fee to race online...since MMORPG's do that.
I only ask iRacing that if you are hotlapping offline, or racing the AI (if their sim will have offline AI), that you don't pay a continuing fee for that part of the sim.
If you're not getting online for racing, you shouldn't have to continuously pay to drive.
I rarely race online, though if I had more spare time, I would get into it more.
Just my thoughts,
Aly |
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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 165
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 00:34 |
well, sometimes good equipment (nice nascar term) costs money. Take the console versions... compare xbox live versus ps2 online. What a joke, clearly xbox live is 10x better and WELL worth the 5.99 a month. At least if ur into playing games online. My friends all play WOW, they've probably played for like 6 months worth of hour time. They would laugh if I asked if the 12 bucks or whatever it is.. is worth it. At least if it was something really good, we could all be playing it, instead of wasting time about complaining of the future of nascar sims. time is money. Id rather pay and drive then not pay and continue to get the mediocre crap being put out by you know who. just my opinion |
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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
Posts: 73
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 01:18 |
Looks like a couple of plant posts by iracing/first racing to promote the idea of pay to play and make it seem like everyone is ok with paying to play.
Pay to play? Hmm, maybe, but sounds like a new marketing strategy to make more money. Kind of like car payments. You pay more over time, but prefer to do that than to fork over a one lump sum.
Pay to play puts all the power in the hands of the software producer and removes server owners/hosts from their business. That makes me concerned that instead of providing the best servers in an open competitive market, iracing can cram as many servers as possible on one box and then we are left with laggy racing that is of less quality. I just dont like monopolies. Maybe I am wrong, but experience in other areas tells me that there are many other potential problems.
If it does not include NASCAR or some type of generic stock car racing with the real or generic/renamed tracks it will have a hard time replacing NR 2003 or the 2005 MOD.
https://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.php?bf2id=47383075 https://bf2tracker.com/bf2_usersignature.php?userid=52307 |
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003
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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 01:39 |
Joshua wrote: |
Looks like a couple of plant posts by iracing/first racing to promote the idea of pay to play and make it seem like everyone is ok with paying to play.
Pay to play? Hmm, maybe, but sounds like a new marketing strategy to make more money. Kind of like car payments. You pay more over time, but prefer to do that than to fork over a one lump sum.
Pay to play puts all the power in the hands of the software producer and removes server owners/hosts from their business. That makes me concerned that instead of providing the best servers in an open competitive market, iracing can cram as many servers as possible on one box and then we are left with laggy racing that is of less quality. I just dont like monopolies. Maybe I am wrong, but experience in other areas tells me that there are many other potential problems. |
I still haven't seen anywhere any official words that iRacing would be pay to play, have you? At least I can't tell whether it's going to be or not. All are just speculating with this matter, like me.
About that car payment. I still have to pay all the service work done yearly basis, otherwise I lose the warranty. And anyways you need to service your car, warranty or not, otherwise it breaks down. Kinda like Internet pay-to-play. And with that, products are updated constantly.
And there can't be any monopolies with laggy racing and less quality. It's simple, if it's not good enough - people stop paying the monthly fee. When you start that kind of a system, you need to update it or otherwise it's dead from the start. Compare MotorCity Online to World of Warcraft. Which one is updated constantly and has 5 million players and which one is not updated and dead already?
No offence to modding, but any 2005 MOD or GTP doesn't still have right rules and systems up to date. In other words, those are obsolete. I'd rather pay a monthly fee to get accurate systems to race on. And like Xbox Live for $6/month? You can't seriously say that it would be expensive?
Hannu Tuomainen
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Joined: 20 Jun 2003
Posts: 20
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 09:03 |
Handyy wrote: |
keith wrote: |
Save up cause your gonna need the cash, pay to play my ass. |
With nothing constructive in that post, I think I'll post the same message about this what I wrote at RSC.
I'd like to think this pay per play thing this way.
Look at NR2003, it's still going very strong. It was about 40 euros back then. And after all these years, I've spent hundreds of online hours with it. So if you think it, NR2003 was so cheap that you can't even say that you've actually paid of all the fun you had. Cheapest thing you ever have done.
And if there is going to be a montly fee type of simracing later on, I would gladly pay for it. It can't be too much considered that you'll get again hundreds of playing hours with it. But, with the developers still present the service is constantly updated and moderated. And that equals more fun! And on another note, it prevents piracy big time which is also only a good thing .
Now why on earth wouldn't someone pay for this kind of a hobby? I mean, example most of us pay for extra TV channels with monthly fee. Does anyone complain getting programs what they want just because it costs some more? Business is business, and if someone creates something amazing, it should be rewarded!
I read your posts in both places and here is the problem. People want a sim we can run in our leagues on our servers with our own people, to administer as WE see fit. We dont want to have to answer to or fall under the "jurisdiction" for lack of a better word to the likes of JH or DK. If this is their model and it follows through it could basically exclude all private leagues that might want to use their product That is IF this is how they intend to distribute it.
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Joined: 04 Dec 2005
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 20:59 |
i look at it this way. iRacing will be the opposite of what rFactor is. A fully controlled environment where there is no possibility of missmatch, where people are directed to the proper place to race like a real organization fully supported and enhanced as time goes by. Top notch software, online, physics and graphics, not the place for bashers, immature and cheaters and for sure a growing in numbers of subcribers day by day. When something is good and worth it it will bring customers like anything else in business. You just take for granted you have to pay for something you like.
And the freedom will be spending more time on the track instead of figuring out which is the latest mod version or track, and then after you went crazy to figure out what's what you find yourself waiting in the lobby for a race of the mod you choosed in the track you liked for ages because nobody is there. If they say it will be as real as it gets it means also real drivers can take advantage of their service. Can only guess it's a lot of money going away from iRacing service to provide a professional environment and you can't ask for all that to be free. Good things take time and money, everybody pitch in for the result and for the fun. |
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Joined: 04 May 2006
Posts: 96
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 23:11 |
i can tell you one thing if you have to pay to race online. Well i am not gonna be getting this SIM. The whole point of the sim's is to play without the COST of it. That is why i play because eventually you would be spending thousands of dollars on one sim i can't deal with that. I will stick with EA if you have to pay to play.
GO Kasey
#9 Rocks
(Its a rock n' roll damnation) (She's got the jack)
(I'm not to young to admit it and im not to old to lie i'm just another empty head)
AC/DC is gonna keep on rockin |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Joined: 12 Sep 2004
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Posted: Wed Jul 19, 21:19 |
More signs, I cant wait.. |
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 22:51 |
BPRLZReynolds9 wrote: |
The whole point of the sim's is to play without the COST of it. |
I'm speechless after this quote of the year...
Hannu Tuomainen
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Joined: 04 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sat Jul 22, 06:22 |
sometime expenses in life go up and we can't keep up. A little bit here a litttle bit there and before you know it when you add them all it's disaster, but to me online activity has a price and well worth it. A lot of fun happening in online racing, shooting games etc.
If i have to pay lets say $15 a month for something i really enjoy i won't mind at all, that amount is like 2 cigarettes a day lol with current prices.
I can't think of any hobby where i spend more time in sims then any other. If it's worth it and the price is right, people already had this deal figured out during the 'ten' period and i don't recall anybody complaining.
If i have money problem is another issue and i understand in that case. |
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