I have been planning to make this kind of like car mod for some time now. Finlands Gr.F is for cars wich international classification has ran old. Simplified rules: no turbo, 2wd, 4wd can be transformed to 2wd.
More rules: https://www.ralli.net/modules.php?name=Foorumsit&file=viewtopic&t=274
About the escort and the volvo:
One of the cars I'm making is that escort. I will allow you to use it at your mod. And the volvo is available for Rally Trophy. Maybe you should ask it's author for permission to convert it.
Some Russian guy was making that BMW M3, but he stopped because he wouldnt know how to make textures or something like that, maybe he can gave you his model (It was detailed very good)! If I can help you finding some pictures let me know! What do you think about Vaz 2105 VFTS including in this mod?