Joined: 31 Jul 2002
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Posted: Mon Nov 21, 10:06 |
posted by: Jure Zagoricnik
Despite the somewhat serious implications of real wrecked cars (we're talking serious injury to adverts for car insurance), the virtual smashing of vehicles has always been fun - a sentiment shared by the creator of Crashday, a hi-octane game that believes a car isn't a car until it's hurtling through the air in several thousand pieces.
Amazingly though, the origins of this sleek, adrenalin-fuelled racer came when its creators were proud owners of bumfluff beards - at a tender 13 years of age. "Back in 1997, Crashday started as a hobby project of my friend Jan Bodenstein and me," explains project leader Robert Clemens. "Our dream was to create a game that blends the classic stunts and its track editor, with the wrecking action of Carmageddon."
link : https://www.computerandvideogames.com/r/?page=https://www.computerandvideogames.com/previews/previews_story.php(que)id=129554
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///M Power
Joined: 18 Jan 2005
Posts: 54
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 04:59 |
REALEASE THE DAMN THING ALREADY!!! SHEESH.....it was due to be out in the spring. Here I am, in Winter, freezing my butt off without Crashday. Oh how I want this game. It mixes the two favorites of my more innocent youth: stunts and carmageddon. Did I mention I CANT WAIT!?
Have you driven an ///M lately?
When I am done with college, I'm so buying an s54 M Coupe...I can't friggin wait...
...and my Miata will be cut up and turned into a Westfield kit car. Mmmm...life'll be good. |
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