A little late but better than never. Gavin Chatt has posted news concerning about the upcoming N2003 based BAR Supercar MOD, which is now 90% complete.
We apologise for the lengthy time experienced between the last update and now, however advise that after BAR were contacted by First-Racing.net we have been in talks with First-Racing.net with hopes to secure a one time license allowing BAR to release publicly the BAR Supercar Mod.
The discussions with First were handled in a professional manor and BAR wish to thank First for their time over the last few weeks, however we regretfully advise the public that we were declined the opportunity to release under a one time license and as such the BAR Supercar mod will not be made available to the public, the mod will remain in-house..
We thank each and every person who has shown an interest in the making of this mod and for their support and encouragement, to date the BAR team members have spent in excess of 18 months of their free time on this project and we can assure you that you won�t find anyone more disappointed that us.
A conscious decision was made some months back that the mod would not be released without the modified EXE as the physics plays a very large part towards the �real feel� of the Australian series.
The creator and I wish to pass thanks to each and every member who has worked on this as well as the real supercar drivers and teams who assisted with their information and support for without these people willing to assist mods like these would just remain a dream.
Once again we apologize for bringing everyone�s hopes up only to have to provide this information
On Behalf of Bronte Austeam Racing
_________________ GAVIN CHATT