"The two most important factors for a Racing Simulator for me is Physics and Stable, Smooth online racing. I intend Sirocco to be very strong on both these areas. Graphics and sound add to the immersion in the sim, but I believe the physics core is what makes a sim special.
I would like to attempt to simulate a British Single make series, for example the TVR tuscan challenge or a Caterham or Westfield series. I think that single make series can result in very close, exciting and fun racing (fun in a Racing Sim?! Blashpemy!).
I am currently trying to implement smoothing (for collision detection) on the track. I would like to form curved surfaces from the triangles that make up the track. It is proving to be reasonably hard, but once I�ve cracked it I think the car will handle 100% better."
Jure Zagoricnik
Blackhole Motorsports https://bhms.racesimcentral.net https://www.3dg.si