Joined: 09 Jun 2006
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 16:41 |
((Sorry if my awful English abilities smack you, but I didnt practice so much))
Hello all you guys (and ladies, if anyone are around here). This is my first post and I want to know if also could be the last one.
Let me explain my question from the title: ¿its still reasonable want to improve my gamming experience with the Xpand Rally nowadays? I mean, the game came good enough from the factory and seems easily moldable but the post in this forum looks some kind older than any others forums were I used to write (not gamming/driving specialized).
Cmon, what Im try to say is that I want to make the WRC part as complete as is possible since my limitations (of knowledge and maybe PC specs) but I have to watch if the game became uninteresting to the community or what! I know, there is the Richard Burns Rally and is the best of the best, but not anyone have the pixel shaders instrucction in his computer... so, back to the possible low interest in Xpand Rally, maybe I cant get the tools, tutorials, primary material or, nevertheless, even the feedback needed to make this WRC experience successfull.
Wes Mordine
Joined: 23 Oct 2005
Posts: 31
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 06:07 |
Hi there!
You know, after playing this game for a while, I wonder why so few people are interested on it. It's such a fun game.
Could be the fact that it's only semi-realistic next to the mother-of-all-rally-games RBR, but its still very good on its own weight. And the graphics kick RBR's ass (and CMR's and most others)!
Anyway, I have no modding experience, but I'll be first to download any well-made WRC mod content you may come up with.
Sincerely, Wes.
Go Petter!!! |