It doesn't look like the cars are damaged when they hit barriers. hmmmm. Wonder what else might be missing.... Evolution GT - Arcade racer or Racing Sim?
This is looking and reading a lot like there Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo Racing game (S.C.A.R.) that came out last year where you update your driver and car handling in a multiple list of choices of unlockable upgrades.
You add points to the upgrade you want. Like that rewind "Tiger effect" mode or more Drivers health etc...
More Arcade than anything else, A niche game,You either like the type of gameplay or ya don't. Again No online multiplayer.To bad! SCAR had some damage but was limited to glass and bumpers mostly.
Sim racers won't like this game I'm sure anyway. More for the arcade racer crowd.
PC games using,Colin McRae Rally 04/05,FlatOut,ToCA PRD2.G.T.R.,TrackMania