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Title: F-Sum Open Wheel
Developer: F-Sum
Game: rFactor
Released: 11/30/06 - Ver

Simulated Series: Fictional
Official Website
Development Status: 
Description: This is a mod that the Negative Sum Racing League (NSRL)
has been working on for our own purposes for a little while now.

Since this is mainly a league mod without any need of mimicking
any real life series, we cherry picked bits and pieces from other
cars and mods, such as sounds from Nippon (thanks TechDaddy) and the carshape
from FIS.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of Giants."
-- Isaac Newton

We do not pretend to have done the amount work that has gone into F1 2005,
Nippon, Megane, V8, or any of the other full-content mods. We added what we
needed and borrowed the rest. We do have some other interesting bits, like
a flexible results processing system, that we will be releasing later.

Pieces our league uses but we have not yet gotten notification of
approval to distribute are not included in this public release (such
as F1 1979 sounds and F1 2006 minimod skins). It is FIS skin compatible,
so lots of skins are publicly available elsewhere. The included skins
are simple, clean, pre-advertising era style paint jobs that mildly
mimic old and new schemes.

We are releasing it for two main reasons. First, to contribute back
to the community in case anyone might like what we like. Second,
to possibly entice some of the people who like it to try our
league out. We are quite small at the moment and need recruits.

This mod is a pure fantasy open wheel mod, so we can tweak with 'fun' as
the goal with little other constraint. It has the following classes, but
is easily changable with a little spreadsheet editting.
f-sum-basic -- ~300hp, road course configuration, very newbie friendly
f-sum-gp -- ~500hp, road course configuration
f-sum-one -- ~750hp, road course configuration
f-sum-oval -- ~500hp, oval configuration
f-sum-speedway -- ~750hp, oval configuration

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
-- Albert Einstein

This mod does have some interesting meta mod features, simplifying
league specific customizations, such as adding or altering classes using
the bits available or adding new bits.

See the README.pdf for more details
Vehicles: Open Wheel
Tracks: Default that come with Rfactor

Virtual Racing Chassis
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