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Title: Classic Cam Am
Developer: RJR Enterprises
Game: Nascar Heat
Released: March 5, 2004

Simulated Series: Can Am
Official Website
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Description: In the early 1960's, Tracy Bird ( Exec. Director of the SCCA ) and Jim Hall of Chaparral fame had a phone conversation. From that, professional road racing in the United States was born in the form of the Can-Am Series.

It was the time of big block V8's, thunderous ground shaking open exhuasts and record lap times at every event. Names such as McLaren, Hulme, Hall and Gurney became famous throughout the racing world.

This mod represents the early years of Can-Am racing. Revisit the first generation's of THUNDER cars on the road courses of America and Canada.
Vehicles: - Autocoast Ti-22
- Lola T-70
- Porsche 908
- Mclaren M6B
- Autocoast Ti -22
- Ferrari 712
- others

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