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Title: Level-R
Developer: Invictus
Publisher: Invictus
Released: 2008

Demo: No
Simulated Series: Various
Official Website
Level-R Screenshots 09.11
Level-R Massiv Multiplaye... 09.11
Best GO-KART SIMULATION o... 03.07
WTTC trainer 10.10
Sim Tracks Online 16.07
Online Multiplayer NASCAR... 11.07
Nitro Stunt Racing 27.01
RACE: Steam issues?? 24.11
AI cars in Viper racing 17.05
Viper Racing: Max-2-Trk T... 02.04
RACE WTCC Setups BMW 29.01
Official Wallpapers 1.3 MB

Virtual Racing Chassis

Level-R Screenshots
[09-11-2007 | JZ | Comments (4) ]
Check out 16 new screenshots from the Level-R MMORG.


Level-R Massiv Multiplayer Online Racing Game
[09-11-2007 | JZ | Comments (1) ]


The latest Massively Multiplayer Online Racing game from Invictus is in open beta status for the Japanese racing fans!

Offical website - Japanese -

Level-R offers the experience the thrills of high-speed on and off road racing across vast open terrains with tens of made-up and licensed cars.
The player can race against thousands of real player on the same server across the streets of Tokyo, Racetrack of Germany, Off-Road track of Hungary.
Level-R appeals to street racing fans and circuit racing fans with several crossover approaches to vehicles and race tracks.

The MMO actions are an integral part of the game along with high-end graphics and audio effects.
Invictus' latest game engine offers realistic real-time damage and stunning graphical effects including High Dynamic Range imaging, bump mapping, dynamic environmental reflections, motion blur and many more. The vehicles are fully user-customisable, both in their appearance and performance, using an intuitive and powerful interface. The game also features TV replay options and realistic sound effects - all in live, through the net, against real world opponents.

The game will be free to play in each countries. Ones who want to obtain real world cars or special skills can buy them for micro payments.

Invictus will raise the bar for car racing games on the PC with the Massively Multiplayer Online Racing game - Level-R.

European release date is not confirmed yet.

North American and Chinese release Q3 2007

Castrol Honda Bike & Controller

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