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Bike Blast U.S.A. - Sturgis
Edition: DVD
ASIN: B00004U3CA
Format: Color, NTSC, DVD-Video
Mpaa Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Studio: Madacy
Release Date: 27 June, 2000
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Like Sturgiss?

I'll never get to Sturgiss. I ordered this DVD so I can see what I'm missing and it looks like an absolutely awesome party. Bike rallies are the best and the number of bikers and bikes that attend Sturgiss is frightening.The DVD quality is good and the sound fine. Theres something for veryone, cool bikes, cool babes and grizzly old bikers. I enjoyed the interviews they had with rally goers. Some old geysers that have played a role in getting Sturgiss to what it is today and whom seems to be quite famous leaves me cold but others might enjoy it.Extra features includes pics of tattoos which I haven't managed to sit though yet (it's boring) and some bike pics from Harleys and Boss bikes which isn't on my DVD for some reason (edition?) but it's not missed.Theres some unexpected (not unwelcome) nudity - be warned - but if you've been to rallies this wouldn't bother you.

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