GPL 2004 Demo


Grip Video: Track, Street & Tuning Preformance
List Price: $19.99
Price: $17.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Edition: DVD
Format: Color
Mpaa Rating:
Studio: Ventura Distribution
Release Date: 07 January, 2003
Avg. rating:

Not sure where this guy's coming from?

Sorry, I must disagree with the previous viewer's comments. Watching many other import car videos on the market, these videos have way better quality and subject contents. Not to diss any of the other videos on the market, the gvideo just represent a different style of showing the current import car scene. V2 was better than V1, V3 is better than V2 and V4, just out on their web site, is the best so far! ...

Waste of money

This DVD is filled with 3 or 4 of the same cars that seems to be more of an advertising commercial for these tuners than anything else. Complete waste of money if you are actually looking for some mean street machines. The film lacked substance and their novice approached is obvious, I actually switched it off after 20 mins.

Awesome video

Great job on interviews with the on-scene import car tuners and car owners. Awesome cars and video footage, funny and entertaining video to watch. Different from most of the other car videos I've seen. Can't wait til the next one comes out. Even if you're not fully into the import scene, I think you'll still enjoy it!

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