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A Twist of the Wrist 2: The Basics of High-Performance Motorcycle Riding
by: Keith Code
List Price: EUR 18,95
Price: EUR 18,50
Edition: Paperback
ASIN: 0965045021
Publisher: Code Break; 01 July, 1997
ISBN: 0965045021
Avg. rating:

A must read.

This book directly addresses things the rider may have experienced but not been able to single out of the riding experience. It's a great little guide for getting into your own head on a frightening corner, and once you've got a handle on the sources of your own behavior it's much easier to correct.Very easy to read, clear and written to stress or repeat the main points - exactly what you need to get the ideas into your head to counteract implusvie actions and responses.Does seem a little one note, as I haven't had track time yet. I could summarize the book in one line: always roll on the throttle, don't let yourself chicken out. ;) This doesn't mean go crazy full-throttle everywhere and everyway, but the main safety point, changing your acceleration affects so many points of control on your bike - best to stay with smooth on no matter what your panic tells you to do.Cornering diagrams and track advice is very interesting, all simply explained and convincing. Would like to put some of the upper level stuff to practice, though the safety and mental examinations of rider behavior are valuable for all levels of street riders. A keeper.

read to ride!

if you always felt there was something a little bit off about your riding but couldn't figure it out, this is the perfect book. the writing style is concise and to the point. the book itself is an easy read (the only knock is the grade-school definitions at the end of each chapter). totw2 goes much further than the first issue does and gives techniques that can be used in more universal situations than just the track. it also doesn't have the same condescending style that i felt the first book did.if you're riding a bike on the street or track and haven't read this book, it's the best investment you can make. even if you know 90% of all the techniques he presents here, the extra 10% can slice seconds off of your lap time or make you just that much smoother on the street. being somewhat skeptical of this book after reading the first one (which was a little bit repetitive) i am very impressed with the information in twist of the wrist II. and i've only read 3/4 of it so far.

Code's most useful text for street riders

"Twist II" contains the most useful information to street riders, out of Code's three "twist"-series books. ("Twist of the Wrist" and "Soft Science" are decidedly more racetrack-oriented books and aren't really applicable for street riding, but if you race then those will be useful to you!) Code's discussion of Survival Reactions or "SR's", and his explanation of the results of applying certain inputs (brake, throttle, steering) to your motorcycle, in various situations, are the two most useful topics of this book, and are worth the price alone, whether you race on a track or ride on the street (and make sure you never confuse the two! ;-)

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