A very good resource
First of all, I must start this review with a warning. This book was published by the PineCar Company to support their product line. Most Scout troops require the use of official Boy Scout Pinewood Derby kits, which are different than the kits sold by PineCar. Using a PineCar kit to make your car can get you disqualified, so please check with the sponsor of your race to ensure that a PineCar kit can be used. That said, though, this book contains a great deal of advice that can be applied to making either PineCar or Pinewood Derby cars.This wonderful book walks you, step by step, through the creation of a PineCar. The book begins with information on planning and designing your car, the use of various tools for shaping it, and information on painting and decorating. Following this is information on weights, polishing axles, lubrication, smoothing wheels, and reshaping wheels (this final technique is forbidden by most Scout troops).So, overall, I would recommend this book to anyone making PineCar or Pinewood Derby cars. If you are making the latter, then simply ignore what ever doesn't apply to your kit. Overall, this is a very good resource.