The Harley-Davidson Motor Company: A 100-Year History (Wisconsin)
by: David K. Wright
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Voyageur Press (MN); 01 January, 2003
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Excellent book
I have read well over 15 books in the last year on the history of Harley Davidson. This book in particular broke the mold in comparision to the others because the author went over and above the call of duty in his research. Rather than simply recite the corporate timeline and Harley's non-asscociation with outlaw biker gangs, Wright chose to speculate on some very real issues facing the Motor Company today. Problems like an aging customer base, continued invasion from foreign manufacturers and a strong emphasis on where the company must set it's sights in order to overcome these issues.Besides that he actually speaks in detail about everyone's greatest fear-the retirement of Willie G. The rest as they say is history. Definately a great read. If you're like me and have read a great deal of books of this nature, then you will truly appreciate this book. Throughout my time spent, I probably only didn't read a total of 10 pages of the entire book. Enjoy!