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Race Car Engineering and Mechanics
by: Paul Van Valkenburgh, Paul Van Valkenburgh
List Price: £11.11
Price: £9.99
Edition: Paperback
ASIN: 1557883661
Publisher: HP Books; 06 January, 2004
ISBN: 1557883661
Avg. rating:

Finding the perfect compromise between theory and practice.

A very useful book, perfect for race engineers, and a good launching platform for an engineer just starting to delve into the field of racecar engineering. Mr Van Valkenburg has a very unique view of racecar engineering that makes his writings a pleasure to read.

Extremely informative, a must read for any race car crew.

Mr. Van Valkenburgh has succeeded in getting across a great deal of technical information, and presenting it in such a way that the non-technical reader can understand and apply it. From tires and shocks, to suspension geometry and slip angles, all of the nuts and bolts info. is covered. No muss, no fuss, no useless information that won't help you win races, just factual, useful information. I take it with me every time we go to the track, and I use it every time.

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