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  Title: Race Driver 2
User's Article Rating: 7.14
Number of views: 52594
Users's Comments / Reviews: 36
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Simulated Series: Various
Demo: Yes [120 MB]
Article Author: Joel Nelson
Date posted: 21-04-2004
Pages: 3 / 3
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Total: 30 Screenshots


Race Driver 2 Review

Graphics Performance
I installed and played this initially on my gaming system, the specs of which are listed below under my Nvidia machine. I also installed it on a slower system with an older Radeon card to see what the performance was like. I turned anti-alias off, set the Direct3D settings to highest quality and had the graphics and sound set to about 80% quality on both machines. Although the Nvidia machine played better, I was certainly impressed by how well the slower Radeon system kept up, both systems at 1024x768. The only noticeable decrease in performance was seen during replays when at least 20 vehicles were in view at one time. Although I didn’t do an in-depth frame rate analysis, based on my “sim eyeball,” I would say that the Nvidia system might occasionally go as low as 25 FPS with the Radeon system around 15 FPS at its worst. Under normal driving circumstances, I doubt I saw less than 30 FPS on either machine. Both machines run with DirectX9b as well as the latest video card drivers, with all hardware at stock clock speeds.

Nvidia Machine:
MSI KT4 Ultra motherboard
AMD Athlon XP 2600 processor
Nvidia Geforce 4TI 4200 128MB (AGP@4X texture)
512MB PC3200 RAM
Sound Blaster Live! X-Gamer PCI card
7200 RPM ATA133 40GB hard disk
DVD drive

Radeon Machine:
Asus A7VKT133 motherboard
AMD Athlon 1200MHZ Thunderbird (built-in sound)
ATI Radeon All-in-Wonder 8500DV 64MB
768MB PC100 RAM
7200 RPM ATA100 20GB hard disk
DVD drive

NetworkInternet Play
I have not had the opportunity to take a close look at how this game performs in a multiplayer environment, however the reports that I’m seeing in the forums are pointing to a solid racing experience with the right connection. You do have the option to download the multiplayer demo and give this a shot before purchasing.

I’m sure that many will argue this, but the fact remains that somebody did their homework this time around. The first Race Driver had rather marginal physics, but where RD1 failed, RD2 has succeeded. A couple of the vehicles feel as though they may have a central pivot point until you put them sideways over a turn with a rise in it, then the rear weight becomes apparent. Of course we have to be sure that “Pro-Simulation” mode is selected any time we enter the track.

It’s difficult to put into words the physics behind a game. I think best way it could be described is that you can truly feel vehicle weight, horsepower, and sense of speed. The CLK is really one of the better physics models and when you mash the gas pedal you can feel the machine breath as the front end of the car rises violently on each shift. With the excellent sound and superb graphics it becomes a fine combination that can bring a wide grin to your face.

I may be an engineer in my mid-life years, but I was born and raised on a farm and there is a part of me that still yearns to get that rear wheel drive sideways with smoke pouring off the tires. RD2 does a good job with that. The drifting is not what I would call perfect simulation, but it is quite satisfying.


Webster’s defines the word simulation as, “The imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another.” By definition, RD2 would certainly fit into the simulation category, however, by the inspection of a seasoned sim-racer, it would have to fall into the category of a “semi-sim” as a forum post had mentioned. Although it is missing a number of things that would truly delight the hardcore sim-racer, it thoroughly makes up for it in many other areas. I would recommend that any sim-racer at least download the demo and give it an honest two hours of racing and controller tweaking. If you are not particularly fond of it, crank out the uninstaller. If you enjoy it, know that there is much more available in the final product, and for 30 bucks, it’s tough to go wrong on this one. I have a feeling that the community will get a hold of this title and do some amazing things with it in the future.

After a few years of what I would consider rough waters in their Motorsports division, I believe that Codemasters has really put out something that they can be proud of. Not bad, folks, not bad at all.

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Author: 21-04-2004
Excellent review :D Also one factor does this game have a cd-key and is it for multiplayer modes. Only because RD1 didnt and they was fun playing with my mates on the net.
Author: 21-04-2004
Yea, really nice written review. Respect!
Author: 21-04-2004
The article is great, but this game's physics are minimally better than in RD1. The cars are handling like in 3x slowed down Colin4. Anyways - crappy physics.
Author: 21-04-2004
GREAT article! FWIW, it [b]IS[/b] possible to enable "Pro-Sim" physics in Career Mode -- it's not selectable from a menu, though . . . you have to use iRipper to edit an .ini file located within the "globfil1.big" file. Or, if there is enough interest in using "Pro-Sim" physics in Career Mode, I may put together a utility to allow you to switch back-and-forth. Any takers?
Author: 22-04-2004
If Codemasters keep improving the game's physics like they did from RD1 to RD2, it would probably get just a little realistic when they get to Race Driver 8 or 9 or so...
Author: 22-04-2004
A very "honest" review! I think "Codies" have finally released something to be proud of ;)
Author: 22-04-2004
Excellent review, I purchased and installed the game a few days and have been having a great time trying it out. I agree with you on the sound and graphics, truly excellent. I'm runing about 85% full on an FX5700 and P4 2Gz at 1280 by 960 no AA no AF and it looks excellent. Most impresive are the bonnet reflections. The formula ford was a pleasent surprise and the Ford GT is a lot of fun.
Author: 22-04-2004
FWIW, I was wrong about needing iRipper to open any *.big files to switch to Pro-Sim physics in Career mode -- it's actually VERY easy to do. Here's the scoop: Just open "mods.ini" with notpad and change the last line to read: CareerProSim=On The "mods.ini" file is located in the ..\GameData\frontend folder, NOT in the "globfil1.big" file.
Author: 22-04-2004
JBodin -- hells yeah! Make something that remembers the controller settings too! :)
Author: 22-04-2004
A Very honest and Fair look at what will be the finest mainstream racing sim/semisim game in a long time! It's FAST, It's HARD, It's CLOSE and Very Satisfying Racing. I haven't smiled in a Racing game for a long time. And I feel this one strikes an almost perfect balance of Simulation/playability! Give it a Go!
Author: 23-04-2004
Great review!! Thanx!
Author: 23-04-2004
Nicely done
Author: 23-04-2004
So are the physics very near sim or crap? How can the comments be so divergent? Is everyone talking about the retial version on ProSim mode???????
Author: 23-04-2004
Great but could someone write about how the physics engine handles proper single seaters (with wings) and the rally/ice/tuck racing. I hope the Nascars don't drift like in RD1.
Author: 24-04-2004
es una poronga, fuck off suckers
Author: 24-04-2004
Very good REVIEW I downloaded the demo,Looks codies best game yet,went around Brands hatch first corner to FAST and the door flew open.and I crashed onto the grass verge. Bought it on Saturday did not relize it was DVD.All ends well for me as I Have Just purchased a up todate Computer.
Author: 25-04-2004
Very good review. You wanted to know if anyone used the split screen feature? I use it and I think it's still the most fun multiplayer mode. I haven't got RD2 yet, but in RD1 the split screen was made very well.
Author: 27-04-2004
He can transmit very well what were his feelings while playing. I really want to try.
Author: 28-04-2004
I still am at the early learning curve myself but have already flashed out on opening up the extra tracks cos I'm not quick enough to earn them as of right!!!
Author: 04-05-2004
The multiplayer rox
Author: 07-05-2004
Author: 08-05-2004
I like very much the article, I believe it's very well written review. I tried only the demo of the game, and while I like the graphics, sounds, "physics", and keyboard handling (!!! possible !!!), I was put down by the interface. I don't mind navigate by cursor keys in menus, that's ok for me. But to be unable to ... check my and also others ping in network game... entering wrong session password will return you like 2 menu levels back ... when joining game where your friend does play you don't see ping or game info ...etc... I'm not going to buy this one for full price, will wait a year or two for bargain price. Also the "friends" feature in MP is excellent if I forget about that interface lacking information. The prediction code is mediocre (I wouldn't punish codemasters for doing it not excellent, it's still at least good), and consequences are horrible (now this should have been fixed!), they should do some kind of no-collision protection for car, which is teleporting due to bad connection. Otherwise you are racing, closing finally to that dude ahead of you, preparing to overtake him, and suddently you or him got some suddent drop in connection and *crash* ... you're sitting in wreck all of sudden. Otherwise the MP is really great, when good players with good connection happen to be around.
Author: 08-05-2004
Usefull review
Author: 09-05-2004
i love this game...really glad i spent the 30 dollars, and 25 more for a
Author: 13-05-2004
THe article is a great read and after playing it for myself, i have to agree with everything that he said. Don't listen to the guys that say the physics suck because they don't. They're very good, this comes from someone who's had years with GPL, F1200X and netKar (and now GTR :) The physics aren't great but like it's been said, they were going for a mixture of playability and simulation. I think they got it *spot on.* Not to mention i can't stress enough how good the cut scenes are. They're so impressively well done. Anybody who thinks they're too good for this game and that it's not sophisticated enough for him/her is going to miss out on what i see as a classic. A game that finally combines simulation, fun and a good plot.
Author: 13-05-2004
I wouldn't say the physics are bad, just that they aren't as realistic as they could be. They don't have a very steep learning curve like some of the others. It is a fun and somewhat challenging game which is the important thing. And yes, I do drive it on Pro and the little message is a bit of a joke. Good game none the less.
Author: 18-05-2004
Great review!!Keep up the good work.
Author: 19-06-2004
hey great review..though the only thing you missed was how fun it is to drive in the middle of a pack at full chat....the bumping and barging racing is great....the damage model is also very nice what with all the little dents appearing everywhere..... very realistic. I was suprised too with this game...was better than i thought :D
Author: 24-06-2004
the game looks good. its not a simulation. the driving experience is AWFUL. good simulation of piloting a hovercraft. CRAP physics. stay away.
Author: 11-07-2004
Great review, i really apriciate your style! Thumbs up bro!
Author: 28-07-2004
Well written, not an ego trip. I like his style.
Author: 13-08-2004
This game is unplayable, has the same delayed rendering problem as TRD1, don't waste your money. Everything drawn by the game is delayed by about a second, the sound and contols not delayed. Tjis makes it unplayable. Codedisaster,s crap work
Author: 14-08-2004
The review is well written! But it has nothing to do with TRD2!! TRD1 is by far the best racing SIM ever made, so what happend to TRD2 ? The graphics are obviously meant for TV and the steering is so bad I have to use a gamepad and not my TM modena 360pro wheel! The Pro-Sim handling is a joke! The SIM mode is better but where did the normal mode go? Why cant I get rid of the stupid traction control, the engine stalls when ever I turn the wheel, like, incase u forgot to break before entering a curve, it breaks automatically when u turn the wheel?? And they call it (PRO) SIM mode?? Well, they call it Toca race driver 2 and the toca part is also gone! What a sad followup codemasters..Maybe the Xbox version is the only way to play it...
Author: 25-09-2004
I love this game
Author: 07-05-2005
Ok review. I had issues with forcing AA on, it makes the cars invisible. The Read ME says not to turn it on. Like WTF? I've played a LOT of racing games and it's a damn shame I can't turn on AA, the jaggies are horrible on the eye. I bumped the resolution up to 1600x1200 to compensate (6800GT), but the levels with Sun Flares on suffer horribly performance wise, so I had to turn sun flares off. This alone was enough to turn me off the game. 30fps is not what I would consider acceptable for serious racing. We should be pushing for 60fps people!! The physics model is dissapointing. It is better than the original but not any manner. The AI has a habit of taking very poor lines when the players cars is nestling forthe lead..often causing dramatic crashes which end one's race. I found myself hugging curbs to avoid the suicidal AI. Shame the review didn't mention the wide variety of tracks and cars. This is the closest thing to Gran Tourismo on the PC.
Author: 01-01-2006
thre are major issues with crashing - posted all over the web including Codemaster forum. This review needs updating. Thanx to all of you for your tremendous website! Ed

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