Title: Nascar Racing 2003 Season
Developer: Papyrus
Publisher: Sierra
Released: February 2003

Demo: Yes [123 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

LINKS >> Nascar Racing 2003 Season >> Leagues

Title: SORS Sim Online Racing Series
Description: Our goal is to provide a stable and clean racing environment for the NASCAR online racer using the most realistic racing sim available. We will accomplish this through a family type atmosphere. We want to attract the best online racers on the internet today. We will pit them against each other in a very serious racing league where they will race and complete for points, fame, cash and most of all respect and bragging rights.. The ultimate stop in ones SORS career will be the API Series. This is the Winston Cup division of SORS where the best of the best will compete. One will get to this division by competing in lower divisions first, where the competition is just as difficult.
Date Posted: 12-05-2003
Hits: 118
Average Rating: 5.5
Total Votes: 40
URL: https://www.sorsracing.org/index.php
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