BeRacing, a simracing community with mainly Belgian members (but also non-Belgians are welcome), enters its second season. In this second season, our main focus will again be on GTR. But we've also began to support a second sim: Nascar Racing 2003.
For our BeRacing Nascar Cup (BNC), we're still looking for drivers (preferably Belgians, but as said others welcome too). We will be using the CUP physics.
Our NR2003 league is open to anyone, from no experience to hardcore Nascar racer. Therefore, all driving aids will be allowed.
Race dates and times are to be discussed on our forums. Bear in mind that this is a European league so race times will be on evenings in CET.
The league is fully FILSCA compatible.
Interested ? Pay a visit to our website and be sure to check out our forum !