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Title: Nascar Racing 2003 Season
Developer: Papyrus
Publisher: Sierra
Released: February 2003

Demo: Yes [123 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

LINKS >> Nascar Racing 2003 Season >> Leagues

Title: Breakaway Racing
Description: - an awsome league which has three series., Cup, Bush, And Trucks. We run our league through the Race League Manager program. We also have a comprehensive Realistic team program, which includes owner points, provisionals, driver contracts, fantasy money earnings etc. We also have trophies for top 5 in all divisions as well as rookie of the year and bud pole awards. We welcome rookie drivers as well as sim veterans. Check us out. You will find no better league in the sim racing community.
Date Posted: 14-02-2004
Hits: 484
Average Rating: 5.45
Total Votes: 51
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