Timothy Bennett >>
Lap Times (sec)
Best Worst Average Std Dev Variance
start (laps 1-23) 23.818 24.524 24.028 0.165 0.027
middle (laps 24-46) 23.820 24.525 24.083 0.150 0.023
end (laps 46-69) 23.955 24.493 24.128 0.135 0.018
total (laps 1-69) 24.080 0.153 0.023
1/4 Run @ Lap 18 - When you warned me this setup would be looser, I was expecting a handful. My expectations was wrong. What was "loose" about the setup during this part of the run was that the slight push off the corner was gone. I liked the way this setup felt better than the previous run. I could drive the car to the bottom of the turn, get on the throttle a little sooner, and really drive it off the corner. I like the "stiffness" of the chassis off the corner!
1/2 Run @ Lap 36 - Mostly the same as the first 1/4 of the run until the RF wear indicator turned yellow at lap 29. Then, it seemed like it picked up a slight push just enough to keep me from breaking 24 second laps for a while... (More on that below.)
End of Run @ Lap 69 - The last 1/2 of the run was really interesting as the chassis changed several times. The RR wear indicator turned yellow on lap 37 and the car got loose acting for a couple of laps. On lap 42, the right side tire indicators turned yellow and the car settled down somewhat, but lap times were a bit inconsistent. It was like it was in some kind of transition stage because around lap 50, the car really stiffened up and I turned some consistently quick laps (especially for 50 laps into the run!) In fact, on both lap 57 and 66, I turned laps in the 23.9's! At the end of the run, the car was still a pleasure to drive, even though the front began sliding through the corners just a tad the last few laps.
Tire Wear
Lap Wear Indicator Color
19 RF turns light green
24 RR turns light green
28 LF/LR turns light green
29 RF turns yellow
37 RR turns yellow
42 LF/LR turns yellow
58 RF turns orange
Tire Temperatures (°F)
Lap O M I I M O
18 194 189 185 225 211 214
36 189 184 180 221 207 209
69 189 183 179 202 188 188
Lap O M I I M O
18 199 193 185 206 190 191
36 193 187 180 197 183 183
69 195 189 181 202 188 188
Note: All tire temperature readings were taken at about the 1/3 distance mark of the backstretch.
My comments: You must be prophetic! It was amazing to see the car change during the part of the run you wanted to focus on!
The average lap time during the first 1/3 of the run dropped slightly, though a little more consistent. The average lap time during the middle 1/3 of the run again dropped slightly. But, the average lap time during the last 1/3 of the run dropped by 0.265 seconds! That dropped the average lap time over the course of the entire run by 1/10th of a second! All that and virtually the same tire wear... who are you?
The thing I noticed most about the tire temperatures was how they didn't cool off at the end of the run. I guess that explains that good grip I was getting the 1/3 of the run that helped me turn those quick laps. Good job!
Maxing out RPM's at about 7200-7500.
Julian Data >>
Just remember where we start working on area, you might lose in another.. I this case, the first half.
1/2 run: Where did the push occur? In, middle or out?
69 laps and on: Wow! You were running some pretty quick times at the end of the run! The car's characeristics at the end of the run was due to the wear of the tires. So basically with the RF worn more than the RR, the was unpredictable and when the RR tire worn even as the RF, the stablized.
- Tire Temperatures: The tire temperatures are starting to come into the range what I was aiming for. Notice the tire temps on the left side of car doesn't fall off much yet the left rear is a smudge high. As for the right side temps, the RR is a bit low to my liking at the beginning and middle stages of the run. Yet at the end of the run, both right sides were even in temperature! At the end of the run, I usually like to make the RR just a tad hotter than the RF but not so much to throw off the balance of the car.
- Tire Wear: The RF wear a bit too early for my liking, so we are going to have to soften this wheel!
- Laptimes: They picked up a bit, meaning loss time but we have averaged better then before.
My Goal for this run:
I am trying to get the car a just tad more freer at the latter stages of the run and also change the rate of wear for the RF. This is going to be a big set of adjustments. I hope we'll get that tenth back with these set of adjustments and better tire wear, if not, there's more adjusting. Also, tell me during the run the grooves that the car is comfortable or wants to be in. Don't change your driving style! Let the car tell you. I am thinking at half tank that the car wants to be a 1/2 or 1 car width up on the track.
Setup Adjustments:
- ARB- Increase the RARB bar by one, I would like a bit more grip in the middle of the corners
- LF Tire PSI: Increase by 0.50psi/half pound. Why? To stop the looseness in the transtional period where the RF is in the yellow while the RR is little green. This may tighten up the car though at the latter stages of the run.
- RF Tire PSI: Drop one pound/1 psi, this will aid the car on entry of the turn at the latter stages. Basically, it's going to be more neutral and hopefully just a bit looser.
- RF Shock/Dampener: DECREASE BUMP by two. Why? I am softening up the RF to cure the wear rate. This should also help in the entry of the turns.
- Wedge: Take OUT ONE round. This will aid in the middle of the corner.
- Rear end Gear: Increase by one. Just wanting better acceleration coming off the corners.
Timothy Bennett >>
Lap Times (sec)
Best Worst Average Std Dev Variance
start (laps 1-23) 23.728 24.321 23.969 0.134 0.018
middle (laps 24-46) 23.740 24.341 23.986 0.136 0.019
end (laps 46-69) 23.828 24.265 24.095 0.128 0.016
total (laps 1-69) 24.017 0.141 0.020
1/4 Run @ Lap 18 - Unlike any previous version of this setup, this one is capable of running 23.6's and 23.7's fairly consistently. The car cornered extremely well during this part of the run. I could make it stick anywhere, which enabled me to get on the throttle much sooner in the turn. This is key to turning 6's and 7's keeping the speeds up in the corners. At those speeds, the inside temperature on the RF would spike to ~230°F exiting the corner. I tried not to turn too many of those kinds of laps for fear of smoking the RF. Instead, I tried to turn consistent 9's. For all my worry and concern, we ended up having slightly better wear than the previous run.
1/2 Run @ Lap 36 - More of the same as the first 1/4 of the run. Setup not changing much.
End of Run @ Lap 69 - The chassis was definitely more stable the last 1/2 of this run than in the previous run, which I think is what you were trying to accomplish. The 15 laps of transition as the corners all turn yellow was pretty stable. As the run wore on, the car definitely wanted to run a slightly higher line as it became tougher to keep lap times quick at the bottom of the corner. Late in the run, the car picked up our familiar slightly loose condition under braking. Nothing dangerous, but our average slowed 1/10th of a second during the last 10 laps. If you want to run hard, and aren't concerned about the RF temps, I still pulled a 23.8 on lap 64 just to see if it was still capable!
Tire Wear
Lap Wear Indicator Color
20 RF turns light green
24 RR turns light green
27 LR turns light green
28 LF turns light green
31 RF turns yellow
36 RR turns yellow
41 LR turns yellow
44 LF turns yellow
60 RF turns orange
70 RR turns orange
Tire Temperatures (°F)
Lap O M I I M O
18 187 183 178 216 198 205
36 188 185 179 221 203 210
69 182 179 173 216 200 204
Lap O M I I M O
18 196 189 182 202 187 187
36 197 191 183 202 187 188
69 193 187 179 200 186 186
Note: All tire temperature readings were taken at about the 1/3 distance mark of the backstretch.
My comments: The inside temperature on the RF really threw me loopy. It was constantly 215-220 F, and if I pushed it, would spike to ~230 F on the corner exit. I kept out of the throttle in order not to wear it out, but we ended up getting better wear than the previous run. I could have average less than I did. The thing I didn't catch until I after the run was the fact that the middle and outer temperatures on the RF were consistently 200-210 F. The average temperature across the tire was less than the spiking of the inside temp led me to believe. Maybe we can make a camber adjustment and smear that inside spike across the whole RF? Overall the tire temps were cooler than the previous run.
Lap times improved! The first 2/3 of the run, I averaged in the 23.9's. The average for the whole run improved by 6/10th to 24.017 +/- 0.141 secs. The setup really keeps the speeds through the corners. You can get on the throttle quick and really drive it out of the corner. I had many personal best laps with this setup, including a best 23.606 in one of the aborted runs! It takes a lap better than 23.728 to get on my BLAP board.
What would I change? The rev light never comes on, so maybe a gear change to get a little more speed. Still need some more heat in the LF and maybe a tad more in the LR. Camber adjustment to even up the temps across the tires, too. That'll get more of the tire gripping. The car really feels neutral through the corners mostly.
Julian Data >>
The last set of adjustments were indeed set for the last half of the run. I see at the chart the right sides go orange from 60 laps and up, what are the condition of the left sides during these laps?
I noticed that you said that the car moved up a bit in the turns and I am going to try to fix this for this round of adjustments. I am also going to try to get more heat back into the tire.
- Decrease the RR rebound by two - I want to fix the loose condition going into the turns.
- Decrease the LF rebound by five - helps coming off turns/exiting.
- Decrease the LR rebound by two - helps on entry
- Increase RARB by one - back to the middle again.
- Increase final drive ration by two - better acceleration off of corners.
- Decrease RF tire psi by a half lb - entry of corner and helps a tad in the middle
Here is the setup with all the changes..
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |