Glad to see you stayed.
I don't understand why we haven't seen any complaints about this in NSR. You guys must not be trying to lock bumpers together and push each other down the tracks at Daytona or Tally, otherwise you would encounter this. Generally everyone in RMN and RTW had this problem, Unless they had a ping under 60ms, which not everyone is gonna have.
Here's the thing, we are a couple of fun loving NT04 leagues that are going to NSR. We all use broadband connections and wheel controllers. We are USED to locking bumpers and being able to push each other ( No Helps mind you except clutch, this includes that icky traction control and silly stability help so many seem to need, not trying to put anyone down, I just hate those helps. ) around the track for a couple of hours with no problems, with pings hitting sometimes as high as 200ms if someone has a bad conn. But it's STILL DO-ABLE.
So we all run out and got NSR as soon as we could, loaded it up, and proceeded to get sick to our stomachs.
If you try to push someone on track, you would see them steady till you got real close, ( now everyone�s pings are below 100 here, ok? ) then they would start "warping" a little, ahead and back, ahead and back, now lets gently close in and get the bumpers together, we've done this a million times afor in NT04, easy now, just a little more, ok in contact, starting to push and...
WHAM! Car jumps straight up in air as if someone had rammed a pogo stick thru car roof to track. One time I even got thrown OUTSIDE the Fence! lol
What happened here? Well, simple physics, two things can't be in the same place at the same time, when the first car warps/lags a tad, all a sudden its trunk is now in my engine compartment, the computers see this and toss the cars apart.
At first we laughed at the crashes, then the true horror of what we were facing started sinking in, drafting was over, at least the bumperlockedtobumper drafting we knew was over. What were we going to do for the season? We couldn't race like this.
We tried hosting a game from one members computer, it had it, tried another one, it had it, finally got our RMN MTCO server up and on, it had it, went and tried RTW's MTCO server, it had it. Talked to Jerry at MTCO, our server had been replaced due to a melt down and we made sure all of its settings were correct, they are. He suggested that we go try the MTCO demo server, sigh yes it had it too.
I think everyone went to bed Wednesday night kinda ill.
Huh? We really liked NT04, we didn�t care that is wasn't totally accurate, it was a heck of allot of fun, and it is Readily Available still to public, always seeing new drivers, which is a good thing, new blood, new challenges, and a whole bunch of friends. ( you just gotta do a little weeding of new people now and then lol )
NSR is a Dramatic improvement over NT04, tracks now look real, Watkins Glen is totally different, it all looks great, but but but, we really were looking forward to some real stable drafting after playing the demo.
Besides we had been promised online play for upto 43 online players, I don't see how this was missed, nor do any of my online friends, this could not stand like this!
Woke up and spent all day Thursday working on a fix, I knew there had to be an answer. I was so mad and upset at EA, I had expected the kind of technology leap they had done between F1 2002 and F1 Challenge 99-02 for the multiplayer engine for NSR. This was supposed to be better, not worse.
Finally after much testing we did it Shocked Very Happy Shocked
You will need to find YourName.PLR file in C:/program files/NSR/save/YourName folder and open it with notepad or wordpad.
Scroll all the way down to [Multiplayer Options]
we are looking for the lines
BoneSpring Threshold="0.10000" // If latency is below this threshold, the spring is disabled
BoneSpring Min Constant="25.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at collision threshold
BoneSpring Max Constant="125.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at spring enact latency (should be higher than constant min...)
we want to change the values thusly...
BoneSpring Threshold="1.00000" // If latency is below this threshold, the spring is disabled
BoneSpring Min Constant="25.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at collision threshold
BoneSpring Max Constant="109.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at spring enact latency (should be higher than constant min...)
The Min and Max constants are from NT04 settings.
The THRESHOLD setting is a range you can play with, (0.0 to 1.0)
Here is the theory, and I may be full of it and wrong, but I DO KNOW this works and kills that stupid car jump. I don't have to know how Antibiotics work to know enough to take them when I'm sick lol.
I believe the threshold value was originally set at 100ms ping or 0.1000 and that flickering above and below this mark is what is killing us. Relaxing the rule to even 0.1500 helped tremendously but I find the cars are so solid connection wise at the 1.0000 setting. You play with it, decide for yourself. I think changing it to 1.0000 sets it at 1000ms ping switch so that it never disables to us, again, dunno, don't really care, all I know is this works.
This will cause No mismatch problems and we tried as many diff ways as we could think of to test it and also tested it in different servers ( RTW's/RMN's/MTCO's ) with many people online that Didn't have this change made.
It was observed that when the Other people warped into you at least You were fixed even if They went flying.
This isn't a cheat, it wont make the car more stable on track, you are just as vulnerable to being spun as before, it's just if everyone had this fixed no-one would have the problem. This only makes the cars more solid to each other �physically� over the internet, that�s ALL, you may still experience seeing cars warp a tad, but you won�t hop five feet in air if you guys touch.
If you like the change fine, if not, fine, but please, no posts about me posting some kind of cheat, I don�t need that, and this isn�t a cheat, it�s a fix that I shouldn�t have to be making.
Hopefully someone knows what these really are, I am Very open to any improvements to these settings, I and everyone in RMN/RTW are extremely happy now with game. We are always willing to help improve it.
Thanks go out to RMNTruexJr for spending the entire day with me, shutting off game, making changes, firing it back up to multi, testing, shutting down, making changes, etc, ad infinite lol
Ok lastly since I have your attention, a few words about the game itself and the reactions I�ve seen to it.
NSR is different than NT04 and NR2003, I don't care that the file structure is the same as NT04, it�s a way different sim.
Who is to say what sim is "real" feeling? Not me. Not when I've never personally driven a stock car in real life.
But how can anyone that hasn't?
With the numbers of different controllers, slop and wear in those controllers, computer specs, and actual ways to control how inputs happen in game, there is THOUSANDS of combinations one could encounter. I think its a MIRACLE anyone can make a sim/game that has to work in such a broad range of factors, and still be giving a good time to everyone.
Even if it is real or not, I know I�m not working the wheel as hard at times as I see during the races on TV. Neither did I ever turn the wheel as much in F1c as they do in real life, and many praises are bestowed on it for it's �physics�.
So it's all subjective I guess, you will either love it or hate it. Personally, Now we are starting to love it. � Cya on the track! - Arky