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Title: Nascar Racing 2003 Season
Developer: Papyrus
Publisher: Sierra
Released: February 2003

Demo: Yes [123 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Nascar Racing 2003 Season >> Mods >> GTP

File Name: GTP Mod v1.1 [Hosted Elsewhere]
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Description: There are a few things different with it this time but the mod itself is totally intact and in fact with major improvements in all departments .
Everything from physics to the FPS counter and graphic glitches has been improved .The ai are also improved abit as well with so many other small fixes to mention....and I am sure there will be a few new bugs found .
We are however not releasing the tracks and the carset/paints we originally did . The community we feel can easily take up the slack and reproduce their own and any car paints they have been using or make new and better ones with ours and others templates . The work we have seen has really been top notch from carpaints posted by users and we urge and hope they all continue to do so .
The one thing we really hope is that VROC will get some real use as of this release . Its a top notch multiplayer lobby service with many feature being added ever day . The more leagues and people using it , the more it will improve so please use it and help it become a staple of the sim racing community as the original was and has been for so long for GPL .
The GTP V 1.0.0 (old version) is now not compatible with VROC and or GTP V 1.1.0 ( new reworked ) . Also we , as our statement mentioned , will not support the first version and thus it should be considered a non topic around these parts . You can get Vroc here
Date Posted: 06-03-2005
File Size: 152.5 MB
Download Time: 36.6K : 9.9 hours
56K : 7.9 hours
Cable/DSL : 17.4 minutes
Downloaded: 14166
Average Rating: 5.96
Total Votes: 104
Developer: Redline Developments
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Author: 19-06-2005
I have to give it a "5" as I haven't completed the download...after installation and "ket ya know" Thanks...
Author: 21-09-2005
Very,very good! Better than some "other" racing games. A MUST!

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