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Title: Richard Burns Rally
Developer: Warthog
Publisher: SCi
Released: September 2004

Demo: Yes [214 MB]
Simulated Series: Rally
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Richard Burns Rally >> Sound Updates

File Name: Norwegian Pacenotes for RBR
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Description: New pacenotes in Norwegian. Thats why most of this text will be nonsence to you if you don't speak or read the language. I know Phil Mills is English ;-) But if you are a die hard Solberg fan like me then you might want to use my notes anyway. Heisan br�dre i �nden. Jeg har laget mine egne noter til spillet, mest for moro skyld s� jeg ble overasket da det faktisk funker meget bra. Sikkert litt uvant i starten ;-) Ikke alle noter eller informajon er oversatt men de som er p� engelsk h�rer du sjeldent. Read the readme file for installation info!
Date Posted: 05-10-2004
File Size: 1 MB
Preview: picture
Download Time: 36.6K : 3.9 minutes
56K : 3.1 minutes
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 2478
Average Rating: 5.78
Total Votes: 157
Developer: 2re
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Author: 20-01-2005
Jeg syns jeg var s� flink s� jeg ga meg selv en 10er ;o)
Author: 04-04-2005
Synes det var ganske bra. lag mere av slikt.:)
Author: 29-01-2006
Heisann. Genial sak!! Bruker ogs� lyd moden din 2re. Keep up the good work :o)
Author: 05-05-2006
s� n�ra svenskt tal man kan komma.....�n s� l�nge....10p
Author: 09-10-2006
Har hatt denne siden den kom hit p� BHMS 10/10 men glemte � vote :p gjort det n�. Hadde en HD krasj s� m�tte laste det ned p� nytt n�.

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