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Title: Richard Burns Rally
Developer: Warthog
Publisher: SCi
Released: September 2004

Demo: Yes [214 MB]
Simulated Series: Rally
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Richard Burns Rally >> Physics Only

File Name: Realistic Snowbanks v. 1.0
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Description: This modification makes the snow and snowbanks in RBR far more like the real thing than the default. The default were far too soft and nothing much happened whilst driving in it. You could take huge cuts and drive next to the road at big speed. I expect to release an updated version when I tune this more. Currently it is still a bit too easy to travel in the snow (one should get stuck most of the time) and when hitting banks head on it does not put up as much resistance as one would desire.
Date Posted: 09-09-2005
File Size: 6.9 KB
Download Time: 36.6K : less than 2 seconds
56K : less than 2 seconds
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 17847
Average Rating: 5.62
Total Votes: 218
Developer: Mikko
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Author: 08-09-2004
umm, this mod makes strange things... i captured a video of it...
Author: 12-09-2004
This mod does nice things for more risistance for the banks, but it makes the car fly on rolls unfortunately, ive seen it go about 400ft in the air. Not good.
Author: 21-09-2004
HA HA!! What a great MOD! :O) (nice video!)
Author: 25-09-2004
Nice video this mod id funny.
Author: 07-10-2004
Whuahaha.. is it a joke this mod ?? ..bad work boys
Author: 14-11-2004
This mod is WRONG. Anyone who has tried to drive into a small snowbank at a similar speed would know that it hardly effects your car at all. I highly reccomend that if you installed this mod for realism, you take it off now, because not only is it unrealistic, it ruins the fun of the game as well. YES, the snow banks in the Finnish rally REALLY ARE that easy to cut through.
Author: 12-02-2005
NO, the snow banks in the Finnish rally REALLY ARE NOT that easy to cut through. They are made of ICE! Have you ever even seen snow??
Author: 13-12-2005
No, I don't cut the icebanks anyway, I had terrible consequences doing that in rbr. So whether it's hard or soft, it's of no use to me. Funny video though, got me laughing the whole day =)
Author: 14-05-2006
I live in a snowy place and have watched a lot of WRC coverage in Sweden. This mod is GREAT for the resistance it gives to a body moving through it. However, snow is very slippery and a body against it will slide. It's very good, but also needs some work. In real rallying, they use the snow banks to slide up against (like arcade racing "wall riding") to come out of a corner faster. You can do this somewhat witht he default snow physics in RBR. you can't do this with your mod, but keep up the good work and perfect this! This has great potential!
Author: 27-12-2006
great :>
Author: 03-03-2007
I had no problem running this mod. Worked exact as I wanted it! Thanks and well done!

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