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Title: Nascar Racing 2002 Season
Developer: Papyrus
Publisher: Sierra
Released: February 2002

Demo: Yes [59 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Nascar Racing 2002 Season >> Utilities

File Name: NRAssistant
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Description: NRAssistant (Formerly N4Assistant) is a helper program for NASCAR Racing 2002/2003 and NASCAR Racing 4, which was originally designed to let you to make all pitstop adjustments with fewer buttons than normally. This way you can program them all on the buttons of your wheel (depending on the wheel of course) and never have to take your hands of the wheel! It also has some other useful features too.

NRAssistant has the following functions:
1) Adds two keys to Nascar 4 or 2002, F11 & F12, which switch to previous and next Pit Service Control while driving. See F11 & F12 below.
2) Button Saving Modifications, which changes the functions of some of the buttons on the wheel depending on which Pit Service Control page is displayed. See BUTTON SAVING MODIFICATIONS below.
3) Can switch desktop to 16-bit mode before launching Nascar 4 or 2002. This is useful when you want to use OpenGL-renderer that is tied to your desktop bitdepth, and don't want to run you desktop in 16-bit mode. See 16-BIT MODE below.
4) Easy enable/disable of the low speed steering ratio override in core.ini.
5) Easy enable/disable of roof flaps. You really shouldn't disable roof flaps when racing, at least online!
6) Log time spent in NASCAR 4 and 2002. As well as keeping track of the total time, all NASCAR 4 and 2002 start times and end times are written to NRAssistant_log.txt in the same directory where NRAssistant.exe is. NRAssistant keeps separate times for both N4 and N2002 as well as a grand total of time spent in both simes. You can select the sim for which time is shown on the statistics section. It is also now possible to set a minimum length for your NASCAR session before it's logged (this is mainly to keep the times when you forgot to insert your NASCAR cd or to plug in your steering wheel from making it to the logfile).
7) Autolaunch mode. The checkbox for autolaunch is gone, but you can still autolaunch N4 or N2002 from the command line:
- To run NASCAR 4 immediately when NRAssistant runs, add "-autolaunchN4" to the command line. If you want to run NASCAR 2002, add "-autolaunchN2002" to the command line. NRAssistant will exit when the selected simulator exists. Easiest way to add this switch is to make a shortcut to NRAssistant.exe (right-drag NRAssistant.exe to desired location and select 'Create shortcut(s) here'), open it's properties (right-click and select properties), and add " -autolaunchN4" or " -autolaunchN2002" to the end of "Target"-box (note the space before '-'!).
8) The new button "Enable keys" turns on F11 & F12 immediately when its pressed (and also Button Saving Modifications if they're enabled) without launching NASCAR 4 or NASCAR 2002. Note that when the key modifications are enabled, this affects ALL running programs. "Enable keys" uses NASCAR 4 settings to decide which key modifications to use, even if you don't have NASCAR 4 installed. This is the last resort if NRAssistant fails to locate your N4 or N2002 installation. And maybe you can figure out some other programs where this is useful as well. Remember that when key modifications are enabled, launch NASCAR-button and everything on the "Settings"-pages are disabled.
Date Posted: 02-05-2003
File Size: 48 KB
Download Time: 36.6K : less than 2 seconds
56K : less than 2 seconds
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 819
Average Rating: 5.06
Total Votes: 17
Developer: Made By: Samuli Takala Fixed/Posted By:XLO_Mistro
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