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Title: GP500
Developer: Microprose
Publisher: Microprose
Released: December 1999

Demo: Yes [19 MB]
Simulated Series: Moto GP
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> GP500 >> Sound Updates

File Name: MotoGP 2003 Bike Sounds G1
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Description: Simulating TV Broadcast in-race bike sounds. come with a complete sets of 4 wave formats for Type 1 sound scheme (Honda & Generics bikes). Best output on Onbike race mode or TV view replay. Using SLV Editor(not included) to construct GP500 game sound file (SLV format).
Date Posted: 14-04-2003
File Size: 125.3 KB
Download Time: 36.6K : less than 2 seconds
56K : less than 2 seconds
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 14227
Average Rating: 4.22
Total Votes: 103
Developer: zaidon
We here at Team Blackhole Motorsports need your help. As you all know, the team puts in a great deal of effort to provide you with the latest news and downloads from the sim racing world. However, all of this hardwork comes at a steep cost. Until now we have been able to maintain ourselves but recent site popularity is making this more and more difficult. Last month alone we transferred over 1.3TBs (thats 1,300GBs) of data. The cost to provide that much bandwidth is expensive and we need your help to keep us going. We are kindly asking our patrons to use the PayPal donate button to make donations. The PayPal donation is a secure and easy way to send your donations directly to Team Blackhole Motorsports. Please help us by contributing a donation so we can continue to provide you with the latest news and downloads from the sim world.
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Author: 09-05-2003
Author: 06-01-2004
Motogp 2003 4-stroke bike sounds for GP500 [G1 Edition]. -------------------------------------------------------- date : Apr 14th, 2003. author : zaidon e-mail : usage : for building GP500 in-race game sounds. editor : Windows Sound Recorder. version: 2003 G1 Edition (Generic One). licence: freeware of uses and distributions. Editing on the file is allowed but copyright stamp on these files are not allow to be removed or please indicates the source info if you improve them. owner : copyright�2003 zaidon. --- informations --- Contains 4 wave sounds for Type 1 Bike Sound (Honda & Generic Bike): - Simulating TV broadcast in-race sounds effect for 4-Stroke MotoGP bikes. - Best with on-bike race mode and TV view camera replay. - All sound comes in 22Khz Wave sound format. For player using 11Khz Wave format convert all supplied files to 11Khz 16bit Mono using Microsoft Windows Sound Recorder found in Accessories menu. If Sound Recorder not installed, you always could installed it from control panel Add/Remove program, under Window Setup Tab. notes: read the following information on building a new game sound file carefully, if you are first time using GP500SLV program. The program could be obtain from major GP500 download sites called as SLV Editor by DK34. --- Building a New GP500 Game Sound Using This Wave Set --- - Delete/Clear all wave files in SLV Editor directory (unless the existing wave files was prepared to build 4-stroke Sounds). - Copy GP500G-22.SLV or GP500G-11.SLV (referring to format you want to build either 22Khz or 11Khz) into SLV Editor directory from your GP500\Data\Sounds directory. - Run SLV Editor(GP500SLV.exe) and open SLV file in the same directory. Then click Extract Wav's button to unpack all game sounds into the same directory. Minimize GP500SLV program. - Extract four(4) Wave files from this package into GP500SLV program directory and overwrite existing files. - Restore GP500SLV program and then click Build button to update GP500G-??.SLV file in the same directory. (?? referring to 22 or 11) - Close GP500SLV program. Backup/Save a copy of GP500G-??.SLV in your GP500\Data\Sounds directory to a save place. - Then copy or move with overwrite the new GP500G-??.SLV in GP500SLV program directory into your GP500\Data\Sounds directory. - Run GP500 and hear the new sounds. If you need a louder volume, adjust setting in Sound Setting from Options menu to fit your speakers outputs.
Author: 25-03-2007

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