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Title: Richard Burns Rally
Developer: Warthog
Publisher: SCi
Released: September 2004

Demo: Yes [214 MB]
Simulated Series: Rally
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Richard Burns Rally >> Car Skins >> Toyota Corolla WRC

File Name: Corolla Thiry Monte Carlo 2000 [Hosted Elsewhere]
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Description: Toyota Corolla WRC Bruno Thiry - Stéphane Prévot
Rallye de Monte Carlo 2000.
He Finished 5th.
Date Posted: 11-03-2008
File Size: 3.9 MB
Preview: picture
Download Time: 36.6K : 15.3 minutes
56K : 12.2 minutes
Cable/DSL : less than 2 seconds
Downloaded: 815
Average Rating: 7.68
Total Votes: 62
Developer: jicede
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Author: 11-03-2008
I love the shade of white you chose for this skin. Some people, when they make a white car skin, they just choose the whitest white, which make the cars look terribly fake on the screen. You did not. Instead you chose a very nice shade of white which looks very realistic in game. Also I want to highlight the fact that, to date, this is the first Corolla skin I know of that has a PROPER external texture! At last somebody made it! Usually people use the default skin as a template, I suppose, which causes all the windows to look almost completely black. The result is the Corolla usually looks like a really low res model, absolutely inadequate compared to the recent models for RBR. Really, a good skin can make all the difference. The car comes alive with a richely detailed texture, and this is one of them. It's not all beautiful though. You may notice infact that in the you made the body parts textures too big so much that they covered part of the steering wheel. Just select the inetrnal camera while driving the corolla and you'll notice that on the steering wheel, on the right of it. Also, I wonder if the real car didn't have the Toyota badge on the back, just below the rear glass ...I miss it, it feels empty there. Last thing, I really beg you to make an for Kazhol Corolla Sanremo (at Kazhol page I have to say I love that particular livery better than the one you made, but the windows on Kazhol skin are just horrible and ruin the car, but with windows like the ones you made for your Corolla, that one would be perfect.
Author: 12-03-2008
Super skin Jicede ;-) You would make also maybe Corolla Pierro Longhi, Andrea Aghini I have also several interesting proposals in support about CMR2 - Roco Theunisen and write to me different or pass e-mail OK ??
Author: 21-03-2008
oia sei nao viu

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