Developer: John Bodin


21 - 24 from 24 Items
Advanced Physics Patch v. 2.0 14-05-2003
This patch uses settings from McGonigle's "TIRFirstAid" patch, along with additional tweaks to solve the brake lockup problem, and some AI enhancements to tame their behavior a bit. These tweaks transform Total Immersion Racing from an arcade racer to something much more sim-like.
Game: Total Immersion Racing Size: 431 KB Downloaded: 2874 Rating: 5.62 Comments: 1
Sticky Grass Fix 27-04-2003
This patch will alter the grass/dirt grip levels, making them slick so that you won't slow down when you drop a tire off the track. This is a more realistic representation of how grass and dirt actually affect a racing car, so your overall experience with TIR should be somewhat more realistic once ...
Game: Total Immersion Racing Size: 51.4 KB Downloaded: 1324 Rating: 5.52 Comments: 0
Ambient Noise Patch 26-04-2003
This patch will only affect tire sounds (louder from the in-cockpit view to enable you to judge grip, wheelspin, and overall traction state), as well as the PA announcer and crowd sounds. NOTE that this patch includes a Windows-style installation wizard, so you don't need to place any files in any s...
Game: Total Immersion Racing Size: 412 KB Downloaded: 2341 Rating: 5.24 Comments: 1
Tsw Series 25-06-2002
This is a DTR series for 1/2-Mile Tracks
Game: Dirt Track Racing Size: 786.1 KB Downloaded: 354 Rating: n/a Comments: 0
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