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Developer: chris


1 - 5 from 5 Items
RBR Realistic Sound Effects 04-10-2008
Just a few changes. More realistic trans and turbo. Better skid sounds for gravel and tarmac. Better normal sound for gravel. Tweaked audio.ini to make the most of the effects.

I hope you enjoy it. I like it so I am sharing it with you all. Appreciate feedback.
Not a lot but to me it makes a dif...
Game: Richard Burns Rally Size: 851.2 KB Downloaded: 6610 Rating: 5.67 Comments: 1
#84 Macintoch Chevrolet 19-03-2007
I managed to get all the pictures on this car from Google. I have had this for a while, but felt the need to let others sport their Apple lust while doing 180mph. In the zip file, I have offered the car itself, and I have also put the clean white car that you would use to import or export, this way,...
Game: Nascar Racing 2003 Season Preview: picture Size: 260.9 KB Downloaded: 410 Rating: 5.5 Comments: 1
Chris' Focus06 Realistic Interiorcam 06-03-2007
Puts the camera closer to the dashboard so when you look at ur computer screen it feels more real. It makes it look a bit like your own steering wheel is on the dashboard of the car instead of having a steering wheel ingame.
Game: Richard Burns Rally Size: 1.1 MB Downloaded: 6592 Rating: 6.18 Comments: 2
Chris' Realistic Interiorcam mod v1.1 02-03-2007
Added more car interiors and updated some of them to make them better and more realistic.
Game: Richard Burns Rally Preview: picture Size: 22.5 KB Downloaded: 5231 Rating: 5.81 Comments: 3
Chris' Realistic Interior Cam mod 21-01-2007
A lot of people seem to think that seeing the steering wheel and a lot of the inside of the car in rbr is realistic. Well i dont think so .. think about it .. if you are sitting at your computer with your own steering wheel and then looking through the other drivers eyes and then at another steering...
Game: Richard Burns Rally Size: 38.4 KB Downloaded: 4856 Rating: 6.63 Comments: 6
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