BHMS: Is there a plan to implement tracks with different adherence characteristics due to dirt, water, oil, paint etc.? It could allow racing on a track with a narrow clean path and dirt on the sides to provide more challenge wile passing. Regarding tires, dirt driving could increase chances on blown tires etc.
Victor: I think it would be great to have that. Somehow i think that will be a possibility when 'rain and wet road surface' will be done, thinking of puddles and oil stains being like rain, falling on the ground and changing surface characteristics.
BHMS: Is it possible to impliment option for skin download from clients, or does this eat too much bandwith? It`s just that there`s so many white cars out there...:)
Victor: there are some ideas for that on the shelves. It's just one of those things that do not have a very high priority and will be done eventually.
BHMS: Are asymmetric setups possible, considering especially oval racing?
Scawen: It's not done yet but it's on the list to be considered.
BHMS: Will the existing skins for FXO, GTI and GTT fit on their new race versions?
Eric: Most of the skins created for the S1 cars will need a slight adjustment to fit on the new S2 cars and new race versions. All the cars shapes are being updated all the time so this is unavoidable.
BHMS: How moddable will the game be?
Victor: LFS S1, S2 and S3 will not be moddable. That is, no self created 3d content can be added or changed. The plan has always been to work out some kind of way for public modding after S3.
BHMS: Will the number of players increase in S2?
Victor: Yes. The number of LFS racers grows every day, although it does not always reflect in the statistics. But many people are waiting for S2 to come out and many people still have not yet tried the sim, so some records should be broken when S2 is out :)
Scawen: Or did you mean the number of players in a race? :-) The first S2 release will allow 20 racers per host.
Victor: LOL, yeah that's probably what he meant :)
BHMS: And in the end, do we have any kind of change to have some video or soundclip from S2 before it`s release, that would really make lots of LFS fans out there really really happy? And of course, everyone is interested(surprise:)) about release date, any estimate concerning that?
Victor: There will be an official video from us, not too far from now. And yes, it will contain sound :) About release dates, as usual we cannot give any, because we simply don't know when all is done what should be done to complete S2. Alpha stage is approaching though, which means the main features are there and we'll be working on refinements and detail, which, all in all, still is a lot of work.
Big thank you to developers and Esa Kajander for preparing the questions.