General note: There were a lot of 'Will there be' questions and we find those hard to answer, because it is not how we work. We do not sit, and write down all the things which will eventually be in the game and stick with that. Many things are decided on the fly and created when it is logical to be created. It's because of that why some of the answers can be a bit short, but now you know why :) It's because we haven't really thought about the question yet.)
BHMS: There will be tire wear in S2, does this mean that there will be a soft, medium or hard compound?
Scawen: I can't say for sure until it's done - at first in testing we'll have one compound and see how it goes from there. It's not needed in LFS at the moment so much as in real life, because we don't have the changing weather conditions that we expect to add in S3.
BHMS: Will the grass and gravel stick to the tires and also cause a loss in grip?
Scawen: I hope so but at this stage it can't be guaranteed... at the moment my focus is the wear and temperatures.
BHMS: Is there going to be skidmarks in S2?
Scawen: I think so as it goes hand in hand with tyre wear...
BHMS: What kind of tyre temp display there will be? Always on screen when you drive or how some other way?
Scawen: I think there should be a mode where you can see the temperatures on screen (for practice) and a hardcore mode where that info is not available (for serious racing).
BHMS: Will the new suspension modelling in S2 effect to camber settings? At the moment in S1 in FXO the fastest setups have almost not at all negative camber. If you look any race car front wheels position, they have loads of negative camber, like real ETCC cars. Though this does not effect to gameplay in any way, but those cars would look more realistic, as a race cars.
Scawen: In S1 the tyres lost too much grip with any amount of lean angle, but this is fixed in S2, so it's possible to use more camber if that helps with the setup for that track / car combination.
BHMS: As we know already, there will be pitstops and fuel usage in s2. Are these going to configurable when starting a server, meaning, like could you increase the rate of fuel consumption and tyre wear or having forced pitstop races?
Scawen: We don't have any plans for changing the rate of fuel consumption or tyre wear but a forced pit stop option is on my list.
BHMS: Can you modify next pitstop fuel and tyre choices in the middle of the race? Is there an option to modify or change the setup during the race?
Scawen: I would like to add some keys to change fuel amount, tyre pressures, tyre compounds if available and various things like wing settings and suspension settings. It would be nice as well if on some cars, the anti-roll bars or brake balance could be changed on the move.
BHMS: Could the player himself or amount of damage in car effect to pitstop duration, and/or is there some random element, like simulated mistakes made by "pit crew"?
Scawen: I don't like the idea of random time added as that's the kind of thing that can make a race unfair - it's what we don't like to see in real life and luckily we can avoid it in a simulator. Currently i'm thinking of two modes (1) instant damage repair in the pits, where all damage is fixed immediately, and (2) realistic damage repair, only some things can be fixed and each item takes a certain amount of time to fix.
BHMS: When a car enters to pit for a pitstop what will happen if another car crashes that car which is in the pits?
Scawen: At the moment, the parked car is knocked out of its position and the pitstop ends. :-)
BHMS: Does the amount and movement of the fuel in tank effect much to cars handling?
Scawen: I don't plan to simulate it actually moving around in the tank for S2. The handling is changed quite a lot in a light car as a heavy fuel load is used up because of the mass and weight distribution change.