MK: In the first announcement of FlatOut we got the information that the game wouldn't be only be about racing, the player should also be able to interact with the environment which is necessary for a successful racing career. Can you give us some details or examples of those gameplay possibilities?
JL: The dynamic environment plays a key part in the game. You can use it to your advantage by e.g. flipping over a water tower so that your competitors will crash into it! You can use the environment also by taking short cuts to reduce your lap times. When you crash into objects you will also receive nitro, which you can use to boost your car to ridiculous speeds!
In the Career mode you will be also earning money by crashing into the environment during the race. The more you crash the more money you earn. You can then use this money to buy upgrades to your car or even buy a completely new car!
MK: We know that FlatOut will feature 16 fully upgradeable cars. How many tuning parts or upgrade option will there be available?
JL: The total amount of upgrade options is 35. The options vary from brakes to engines and on to tuning kits and superchargers. All of the parts you buy will have a significant impact to the way the car handles.
MK: According to the latest information, FlatOut will feature a LAN mode on the PC, but no online play. Can you give us some more details about the multiplayer efforts of the PC, Xbox and PS2 versions of the game?
JL: On the PC up to eight players can join in for multiplayer mayhem over a LAN connection. The online play support was dropped due to lack of time (there is never enough time to do everything unfortunately).
On the Xbox you can have up to eight player carnage over Xbox Live or system link. You can also play in four player split screen mode. On the PS2 the multiplayer fun is available in two player split screen mode.
You can read the German interview at